Am I more?
Or am I another charity case for him? Caleb to the rescue, solving everyone's problems.
But the biggest problem is that at the end of the day, I know that I’m irrevocably destined to have my heart broken.
Chapter 24
“What the actual fuck, Cal? Out of all people, you leave to work with that motherfucker?” Finn didn’t even want me to come to our—his—offices.
The server at the Madison Club bristles, halting three feet from our table, the two plates with our lunch wobbling in her hands.
I smile at her, and she looks at my seething brother, then takes one more step.
He notices her and gestures for her to bring the food to our table. I’ve never seen someone serve food so fast, and I grew up in the hospitality industry.
“Can I get you anything else?” she asks, maintaining a professional and very forced smile.
Finn scoffs at her, clarifying thatthe only thing we want is privacy. The poor woman scurries away, leaving me alone with my brother’s wrath.
I’ll be sure to tip her generously, and I’d laugh at the scene. But my current situation is not humorous.
“Calm down, asshole.” I put a napkin across my lap as if I have any appetite.
“The only asshole here is you, Cal.” Finn tears apart his salmon with a fork like it offended him. “What will Saar say?”
“Saar knows.”
This stops him in his violent food attack. He pins me with a look of disappointment and, fuck, I think hurt. “I see.”
“No, Finn, you don’t see. You called me here to throw a tantrum while you know shit about the situation. And you judge based on some forgotten feud without giving me the benefit of the doubt.”
He inhales to protest, but I stop him with my hand. “You’re not my fucking father, so don’t act like him. You, out of all people, should understand.”
Closing his eyes momentarily, he sighs, his jaw still ticking with frustration or perhaps with a bit of regret. “Fuck.” He drops the fork and pushes his plate away, the salmon thoroughly cut and uneaten.
“You should get some protein in you, so you don’t get cranky.” I smirk.
He glares at me, but I push my plate away as well because eating is the last thing on my mind.
“Fuck, Cal. So Saar is okay with this?”
Of course he’s concerned about her, and I’m glad his anger came from that protective place. But as much as I hate to admit it, I wish he was concerned about me.
“She’s okay with it.”
Finn nods and leans back in his chair, observing me.
I guess if I want to discuss it more, he’s not going to initiate. “She is, but I’m not.”
Finn flinches. “What the fuck, Cal? Did he manipulate you? Blackmail you? Why didn’t you come to me sooner?”
“Finn, I swear to God, cut the fucking parental routine or this conversation is over. I need your advice.”
He plays with his wedding band, a new habit of his when he’s thinking, and then he nods. It’s all he does, but we’ve known each other our whole lives, and I know I’ve got his attention.
“I’ve been in conversation with Merged, the three partners, since the day I left—”