The scenario from earlier flashes through my mind, and I almost chuckle at the absurdity of the situation.
“How come?”
“I’d much rather continue with our previous activity.” He cocks his eyebrow. Extending his hand, he traces a line down my cleavage. “I think you were ready to beg me.”
I swat his hand away. “Nice avoidance tactic, but you’re getting zero action until you explain.”
“Fair enough.” He props his arms on his knees. “I got her mother pregnant when we were seventeen. Mia will be twelve this summer. When Reese, her mother, found out she was pregnant, she came to see me, but my father intercepted and paid her off. To get rid of the child and to disappear, so I’d never find out.”
My heart sinks. “That’sterrible.”
“That’s my father.” Sounding detached but also deeply affected, he studies his hands for a moment. “Reese decided to keep the baby, but I guess she ran out of money and decided I’d be an easy bank machine.”
“Jesus.” I cover my mouth.
“Mia showed up three months ago, and an expedited paternity test later, I became a father. And added another offense to my father’s list of fuckups.”
“But I’ve been living here for two weeks.”
“Yeah, Mia’s here every second weekend. Her mother didn’t care to face me, so the whole arrangement happened over text message. Mia begged me not to involve my lawyer, and a part of me wanted to pretend this wasn’t happening, so I just accepted it.”
“What do you mean? Jesus, Caleb, you need to meet with Mia’s mother and discuss some proper custody.”
He sighs. “I know. But I… I don’t want the confirmation she’s only after my money. Once I involve lawyers, that’s what’s going to happen.”
“So you’re just, what? Spending two weekends a month with your child without being her official guardian? What if something happens?”
“What could happen? She spends her weekend in her room on her phone, and then goes back to her mother at the end of it. I gave her a credit card, so Idon’t know why either of them would be upset with the arrangement.”
I stare at him, unblinking, but no… the scene is still real.
“For a smart man, you can be really stupid.”
“What do you want me to do? It’s not like there’s a manual on how to become father of the year to an eleven-year-old. She doesn’t really want to hang out with me. I tried. And yes, you’re right, I should make it all official, but I needed a moment to grasp reality.”
“You tried? Wow, I didn’t take you as someone who gives up. You’re being so selfish right now. A child needs their father. And I’m sure you don’t have to be father of the year. Simple interest goes a long way.”
“You’ve met her for half a minute, and you know what she needs? She barely talks to me. Her mother only sent her here because they needed money.”
I jump up, the blanket falling to my ankles. “So what? You have so much to give them. You practically gave me a credit card to buy an airplane.”
He stands up too, towering over me. “That’s not what I said. Please do not buy airplanes on credit, that’s not a smart decision.” He smirks.
“Are you seriously joking now? This makes no sense. You can support them and wouldn’t even notice it, so why are you putting your head in the sand?”
“Because I don’t trust her mother. And havingsomeone reminding me of what an asshole my father is—”
“You’re behaving like him right now. Maybe not as ruthless, but equally selfish.”
His jaw ticks, and I fear he’ll shut down. And probably divorce me, but then he bows his head. “I don’t know what I’m doing here.”
Two things happen in the aftermath of his admission. One, I realize my husband just showed me a vulnerable side of him. It scares me and thrills me at the same time, and it shouldn’t do either. I shouldn’t care. It opens up my heart, and that is not a good idea.
And two, as much as I want to pretend it’s none of my business, no part of me is on board with that notion. And that’s a much bigger pile to unravel.
I came down here today to seduce the man I married. Instead, I gained an instant family.
Chapter 17