She looks like a movie star. Like a woman I want to parade around proudly, but also lock hidden away so nobody ogles her.
“Lunch?” I more bark the question than ask it. Always a gentleman around her.
Even if this woman had a seed of attraction for me,I’m making sure as hell it doesn’t sprout. What is wrong with me?
“Well, since you invited me so nicely, I guess we should have our wedding reception.” She gives me a saccharine smile. “Lead the way, husband.”
The title has never had any meaning for me. Another side effect of witnessing how my father treated my mother.
He cheated and hurt her many times. And she suffered through it, until she gave up and leaned into their power play.
Because that’s what their marriage had always been. I vowed to never get married. That institution doesn’t stand for anything good.
I glare at Celeste, and she narrows her eyes. If she’s wondering what my deal is, that would make two of us.
If she’s wondering about that kiss and my exit, that also makes two of us. I’m completely unpredictable around this woman.
And I don’t like that one bit. And yet the animal in me wants her so goddamn much.
Grabbing her hand, I march down the street like I know where I’m going, dragging her with me.
Luckily, there is a cozy, inviting Italian bistro on the corner, and we get a seat in the window alcove overlooking a quaint side street.
We don’t speak, focusing on reading the menu and choosing our first meal as a married couple as if our life depended on it.
A chipper server in her twenties recites the specials to us. Celeste orders fish, and I ask for the same, because I have no idea what is on that menu.
“Will that be all?” the server sing-songs.
“I’ll have a double whiskey. Do you have a Macallan?” I smile at her.
“Sorry, sir, we don’t serve liquor. May I offer you our organic Sauvignon Blanc? It would go well with your halibut.”
“Sure. Get us a bottle.”
A ghost of a smile plays on Celeste’s face. “Are we celebrating?”
“You’ll learn, black swan, I excel at everything I do. And I plan to do that with this fake marriage as well.”
And if I have my way, there will be nothing fake about the way we enjoy this pretend marriage. However short-lived it may be.
“Should I be scared?” She opens the linen napkin and places it on her lap.
Such an automatic motion, but not when executed by Celeste. She turns even the most mundane move into a graceful dance.
“More than it scared you to enter the courthouse?”
Earlier today, she looked like she was going to bolt,like I was forcing her to be there. It made no sense, and I need to know what that was about.
Like I need—for some outlandish reason—to know more about this woman. Another mystery on my part.
I’d be better off staying away. Not speaking to her. And most definitely not kissing her again. Or maybe kissing her more.
That fucking kiss was like discovering the fountain of life. Okay, more like the fountain of pleasure. And that’s a concept I’m happy to get behind. Any. Freaking. Time.
She flinches.