“He didn’t want me out of his sight until we found whoever broke my window,” I rush the words. It still seems so ridiculous. “But Casey called and it was just teenagers.”
“Office Callahan. He’s a friend of Sutton’s. He was the responding officer when we called.”
“Does he know you’re packing?” Leah asks, as if that’s the only relevant consideration. I know she’s referring to Sutton.
“Yes.” I realize I never mentioned the Trunk-or-Treat at the clinic to Sutton. Also not the most pressing matter, but the one that comes to mind.
“Are you guys coming Thursday?” Izzy directs her question at me as if reading my mind.
“I didn’t get a chance to ask this morning.”
“Ask now.” She jerks her head toward my phone.
“Yes ma’am.” I salute her and snatch my phone up, sending a text to Sutton. I follow up that he’s not obligated to go.
Chapter 35
Leaving Maci this morning was torture. Our weekend together could never be enough. Despite the very consensual play, I’m convinced she still feels at least halfway forced into staying with me given the circumstances. I need her to want to be with me.
Her response to the build site was understated and I’m not sure if she understood why I was asking, or if she was being intentionally vague.
We left so much unsaid this morning. I don’t know what her plans are for the rest of the week. Hell, the rest of the year. She hasn’t mentioned Ruthie’s house or the will in a while.
It’s obvious we’re made for each other. I’m trying really damn hard to let her get to that decision on her own. But I also can’t fucking stand the thought of being away from her.
Dad and I head over to Terrence’s midday to discuss the sale and get a lay of the land. It’s good timing because it will give my mind plenty of other information to mull over.
Because of the size of the property and nature of the land, we ride over, me on Johnny Walker and Dad on Dusty. Dusty was bred next door and seems happy to be here again.
“Mornin’,” Terrence greets us near the front corral atop his own black horse. “Why don’t I give you a general tour and we can head in for some lunch.”
“Sounds good.” Dad tips his hat in agreement.
The sheer size of the place means hours riding around. The majority of the buildings are toward the front of the property, with some trails and open pasture further back. I consider some of Maci’s ideas as we ride.
My head is swimming with information when we’re done. Terrence’s ranch isn’t currently a cattle ranch. They raise quarter horses. Dad and I haven’t discussed changing directions, but we’ll need to plan everything out whether we do or not.
“Thanks for your time, Terrence.” Dad shakes his hand. “We’ll have an answer next week. Assuming that’s not drawing things out for you. Want to give this the thought it’s due.”
Terrence ducks his head politely at my dad before shaking both our hands. “I can wait a bit longer.”
Back at Strickland Ranch, we hand the horses off to Kelly at the stables. I pull my phone from my pocket to check messages. It buzzed against my heart during the meeting and it took way more self-control than usual not to look at it then.
Izzy wants us to come to a Trunk-or-Treat thing at the dental practice this week.
You are not obligated to go.
Pretty sure that sentiment doesn’t apply to me.
Us. Tiny word, big meaning. I doubt she even realizes she looped us together that way, but I like it. I can’t figure out if I want her to know it’s not possible for me to tell hernoon anything or not.
Chapter 36