Page 78 of When Sparks Fly

With blurry eyes, I slide out of Sutton’s heavenly bed and check the time on my phone.

There are two new messages in the group chat.


Don’t forget the Trunk-or-Treat this week.

Bring the cowboy.

I grin. I have no idea if that’s his thing or he’d want to go, though I doubt the former very seriously.


I’ll be there.

No guarantees on Sutton.


It wasn’t a question.


We need to talk.


This sounds good. >devil face<


You know my schedule.


I open today. Evening?


Let’s meet at Nana’s at 6.

After my friends text their agreement to the time, I opt for a quick shower. My wet hair goes into a braid and I don jeans and a soft, plum-colored sweater. Take that, Texas.

Boots on, I throw my camera bag over my shoulder and head outside. The air is dry and crisp, and I send up a silent thank you to Texas for cooperating.

I have no idea where Sutton is and he hasn’t given me much of a tour yet, so I wouldn’t even begin to know where to find him. The Defenderis parked nearby and I wonder if the keys are in it. It’s all moot because when I reach the corner of the house, I’m met with a cow who stands as tall as me.

She—I think it’s a she?—greets me with a solid moo and a wet boop to my nose.

“Whoa!” My back bounces into the corner of the house. “Well good morning to you, too.” I blink.

“Daisy,” Sutton chastises, approaching from behind with a coffee cup in hand. The cow’s head swings lazily his way and she ambles over to nose his chest in greeting. He pats her gently on the head. “You big oaf.” She gives him one more solid nudge in the stomach before sauntering off around the house.

Her rear swings a sassy walk as she goes.

“I didn’t realize you had cattle around the house,” I say in greeting. Sutton’s in his usual dirty boots, jeans, brown button-up, and hat. I look my fill of him.

Waking to him in bed with me is the most exquisite feeling, but taking him in here in his element stokes an ember that remains burning deep inside. I’m immediately heated and wanting.