Page 64 of When Sparks Fly

“Maci McCullough.”

“Nice to meet you, Maci. So what happened here?”

I show him the broken window and explain that nothing was taken. He jots down several pieces of information in a tiny notepad and shoves it into his uniform pocket when he’s done. “Do you have time to give an official statement?”

“Sure,” I say with a shrug.

“Okay, I’ll grab a form from my cruiser. Can I get your ID to put in some preliminary information?”

“Of course.” I pull my wallet from my camera bag in the trunk and hand two cards over, setting the bag near the edge of the cargo area.

When I turn back, Officer Callahan is looking at me over the cards speculatively. “Do you have a firearm on you?”

Sutton’s head snaps my way. I ignore him. “Yes.” Rather than reaching, I point carefully at the right side of my vest. “Do you want me to remove it?”

He looks between Sutton and me. “No, just hang tight and I’ll grab the form.” He starts to walk back to his car, but shoots over his shoulder, “No reaching,” and grins.

Sutton’s eyes haven’t left me and I finally return the look, saying nothing.

“Firecracker seems so much more fitting, now.” One side of his mouth tips up.

My lips press together, hopeful he doesn’t question me right now. We live in Texas; it should be no surprise when someone has a gun, even if some people are surprised when that someone is a woman.

Officer Callahan returns with the form and a clipboard. Thankful for the distraction, I begin writing while he takes a few photos. “There was no other damage?”

“No, just the window.”

Sutton hasn’t left his post at the rear of my car, arms crossed, alternating between scanning the surrounding area and watching me. He can be a sentry if it makes him feel better. There’s nothing he can do now.

When I hand over the form, Officer Callahan explains detectives will check on camera footage in the area if there is any, but I don’t get the impression much is going to come of the incident for now. Much to Sutton’s dismay, Casey neither confirms nor denies the idea that I’ve been targeted, but he advises me to be more alert for a while, just in case.

“Thanks for your help, Office Callahan,” I say as we’re finishing up.

“Casey,” he corrects. “You’re obviously a friend of Sutton’s, so that makes you a friend of mine.”

Sutton, watching Casey, doesn’t acknowledge me as I glance his way. “Casey,” I correct.

“Good to meet you, Maci. Wish it was under better circumstances.”

“Me, too.” He gives Sutton a nod before turning and heading back to his car as I wave.

Sutton turns to me. “You have two options.” I get the distinct feeling he’s about to offer me two choices he can live with. “We can do some shuffling of vehicles and I can sleep on your couch tonight, or you can stay at my place.”

I open my mouth to tell him precisely how over the top he’s being, but he can see it written all over my face. He stiffens and leans into me again. “Don’t.” His eyes bounce back and forth between mine. “Don’t try to argue with me on this, Firecracker.” I snap my teeth together. “Your house or mine.”

This isn’t the Sutton I’m used to. The quiet, part aloof, part easy going rancher. The Sutton before me is prepared for battle, determined to protect me. How foreign.

Not relenting, I whisper loud enough for him to hear, “Did you forget the part where I have a weapon?”

He shakes his head. “I don’t care what you’re packing. Until I see you use it and know you’re not going to shoot yourself before someone else, you’re not getting out of my sight.”

I balk. “You are being completely ridiculous!” His signature, hidden smirk teases the corner of his mouth. My stupid body reacts with lust, which fuels my anger. I thrust my hands onto my hips. “I took a class. I had to show I could use it then. I go to the range regularly.”

“I don’t care what some gun-toting yahoo saw, however many years ago you got your license.” His eyebrows raise in slight challenge, knowing I’ll try again.

I huff and study the asphalt. I’m trying to reconcile my need for independence with someone genuinely caring so fiercely about me. It’s been a long time since I could count on someone I haven’t known half or all of my life. And even some of those I can’t.

He bumps me playfully with a shoulder, still crowding my space and drawing my eyes back up to his. They mirror the heat building inside me and all of my resolve melts.