A few feet away, she pauses and asks, “Alex?”
I understand what her roommate meant when she commented about the way I said her name. She probably used it early in our phone conversations, but with caller ID, we know who’s calling without having to be formal about it. She rarely says my name, but when she does so now, she wears a wide smile.
Her voice sounds the same as it does over the phone but seeing the words coming out of her sugar plum mouth hits different.
Stopping myself from racing toward her and acting like a fool, I ask, “Emmie?”
Her eyes sparkle and she nods, continuing her approach.
Taking a few steps closer, I open my arms as she extends her hand to shake. The bag over her shoulder slips down and someone bumps into her luggage cart. We have an awkward and poorly choreographed moment where neither one of us knows what to do.
Jesse and Paxton would verbally kick me in the teeth. Never do I waver from being in command...except right now.
Coming to my senses, I hold out my hand for Emmie to shake. Her palm slides in. It’s soft and warm. I do my best not to get lost in the green flecks of her hazel eyes, I let go before the handshake gets inappropriately long.
As if sizing me up, Emmie’s gaze trails up the length of me. “You’re tall.”
Nodding, I say, “A few inches over six feet.”
Long eyelashes kissing her cheeks, she looks up at me and says, “I’m a few inches over five feet. My brothers got the height gene.”
“I wasn’t sure what to expect. After all the time we’ve spent on the phone and emailing, it’s nice to finally put a face to your voice.”
Her cheeks shade pink and I wonder if she knows I overheard her roommate’s comment. “I’m surprised a guy like you didn’t run a full background check.”
“Nah, I had a feeling you weren’t a cave troll.” And that feeling is getting more confusing by the moment as the sticky marshmallows continue to sail my way then quickly turn into obsidian when I realize what I said.
“A cave troll? Well, I do sometimes disappear into the writing cave.”
I chuckle. “Can’t wait to sit down with the manuscript.”
Emmie cranes her head, peering around as if looking for someone. “You’re alone. No female companion?”
“Sorry, about the last-minute transportation change of plans.” Hopefully, Jesse and Paxton finish getting everything ready for tonight and don’t set any practical jokes. “Sydney has one of those neutral names. But I can confirm that he’s a dude. Used to be on the SEALs with me. He never uses his blinker, so maybe it’s for the best I picked you up.”
“No mountain woman?” Emmie asks.
“You mean a cave troll?” I say, glad she’s being a good sport about my weird comment.
Jesse and Paxton would be rolling with laughter right now at how dumb I’m acting.
Emmie’s forehead momentarily ripples with confusion then she says, “She must be waiting in the car.”
I’m not sure what Emmie means. She must be tired from theday of travel. Time to get my head on straight and get us on the road. Reaching for her luggage cart, our hands brush.
My pulse trips again, sending a surge through me. “I can take this for you.”
“Oh, thanks.” She gazes at her feet as if suddenly shy.
Much like the start of our last conversation, things between us are slightly stilted as if now that this moment of meeting in person has finally come, we need to recalibrate how we relate. Eyeing the luggage cart, I can fix that with a Lexman icebreaker.
“Can I take your other bag too?”
She wears an impish grin and holds it away from me. “Can I trust you with the bagels?”
“The precious cargo. Thanks again for grabbing them.”
We both laugh and hers is even better in person.