My mom and dad are alive? CJ was right? My family is whole again?

This must be a dream or a figment of my imagination.

A hand lands in mine and slowly draws me free. “She might need to breathe, guys,” Alex says in an even tone.

Magnus must recognize this too because he gently has everyone give us space. If it were up to Isla, we’d probably stay in the big family hug all day.

I have so many questions, but before I can ask any of them, I hiccup.

“Are you okay?” my mother asks.

I nod.

Royal says, “This happens when she gets excited or nervous.”

“Or both,” I say around another hiccup.

“And if what the Coconut Wireless says is true, the only cure is a kiss,” Ryan teases.

“Ry, you can’t tell our mother and father?—”

But before I finish, my dad says, “We’ve missed so much.”

“We are so sorry,” my mother adds.

Everyone filters toward the dock and the outdoor area that’s part of Beans & Books.

Still hiccupping, I sit down. “How long, where, what—?” I’m not sure what to ask first.

“It’s a long story, but we thought you should find out in person,” CJ says.

“Yeah, I’m glad you didn’t tell me over the phone.” Then I snap my fingers and hiccup at the same time. “Is this why you wanted me to come home for Christmas so badly?”

My brothers nod, looking more than a little sheepish, but I can’t be mad at them for not telling me sooner. I was the one who was reluctant to come back to Coco Key. Had my mother and father shown up on my doorstep, I’d probably have much worse than a case of the hiccups. No, this is exactly where and how it was supposed to happen—with all of us together, exactly where it started, during Christmas when we were visiting Chip and they went missing.

Magnus says, “Having mom and dad back was always your wish.”

“I don’t know what to say or think or feel. But wow. Mom, Dad, I’m so glad you’re okay.”

Isla, Lally, and Harley appear with refreshments for everyone as my brothers and parents relay the treasure hunt and their rescue.

“It’s remarkable. All this time...” Tears well up in my eyes.

“We’ve been waiting to see you again,” my mother finishes.

“And not a day passed when we didn’t think about you,” my dad adds.

At last, a sob busts loose, along with more hiccups. I’m a crying mess, but my parents don’t care and draw me in for more hugs.

When I finally get myself together, I say, “I now have the ending for the biography Chip asked me to write.”

My brothers, except CJ, didn’t know about that and they askquestions. They tell me about the treasure hunt. Before I escape to words on the page, I want to live my real life, right here, right now.

Even though Main Street in Coco Key doesn’t see much traffic, Magnus suggests we move the gathering to the Driftwood. Isla and Royal arranged a family reunion-New Year’s Eve party on the grand lawn.

Before I leave the dock, a snuffle sounds from behind me. Lola emerges from the water. Her big eyes gaze up at me from her sweet face. Just like I did when I was a kid, I lie down on my belly on the dock and lower my hand. She flaps her flipper. I always wanted to hold onto it, or turn into a mermaid and explore the ocean with her. Instead, we brush hand to flipper. I apologize for the hiccups and thank her for being part of the family reunion—CJ did say she played a part in recovering the crown, but I’m not sure what’s fiction and what’s nonfiction—other than my love for all these people here, Alex especially. With a little swish of her tail, Lola disappears underwater.

“No fair, she didn’t splash you,” Ryan says.