We’ve talked for hours and hours, taken long walks alongglowing paths under the softly falling snow, followed by peppermint mistletoe kisses. I love him.
But is the ring for me?
I wake up on Christmas Eve refreshed and resolved. I’m going to ask Emmie to marry me today. I know it’s soon, but I can’t imagine my life without her.
My mission used to be in the field, serving my country. It was tactical, practical, and often fatal—for the bad guys, not me. Though I certainly took a few hits over the years.
Now, it’s to make Emmie smile, laugh, and feel all the Christmas warm fuzzies—yes, that’s a military term. Look it up.
After a shower and a shave—the guys and I are drawing straws to see who has to wear the Santa suit—the scent of coffee brewing draws me downstairs.
Emmie wears a red sweater that’s snug in all the right places. Turning from the counter, she says, “Merry Christmas Eve.”
I reply by cupping her jaw with my hands and kissing her sugar plum lips.
When we part, my hands trail toward her hips, keeping us close. “I don’t need a single thing under the tree. It’s already the perfect Christmas.” But as I speak the words, my gaze floats to the evergreen.
Tilting my head, I walk closer and point at the angel at the top of the tree. “Where’d that come from?”
Cheeks rosy and beaming a smile, Emmie shrugs. “Must’ve been a Christmas elf.”
Peering around, I notice all the boxes are gone. “The elf must’ve been busy.”
“Could’ve had a hard time sleeping this close to Christmas.”
“Hmm. Does that also happen to be the elf’s birthday?”
Emmie’s face falls.
And with it, my spirits drop. Maybe my plan isn’t such a good one. But the ring is concealed on the bookshelf right where I left it. Although, someone could spot it if they were seated at a specific spot at the table.
I’ll have to divert Emmie’s attention and stash it somewhere else, like my pocket.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for that to upset you. For me, like with Christmas, I always wanted a special birthday—a party like the other kids. I’d get invited to these amazing birthday blowouts with entertainment, pool parties, cake, and ice cream. I always wanted that. I never stopped to think that some people don’t want to be reminded of their birthdays. Emmie, I apologize.”
Tears well in her eyes and she steps closer to me. Her palm caresses my cheek and I want to lean into it, but this isn’t about me.
She shakes her head slowly. “I am such a brat.”
Frowning, that wasn’t what I expected her to say. “No, you’re not.”
“I didn’t stop to think that you didn’t ever have a birthday party with friends and pools and presents.”
I shrug. “It’s no big deal. I just come from the point of view that everyone wants that because I did.”
“And I had that. I’m so spoiled. Such a princess.”
“Everyone has a wound or two, a weak spot. It’s part of being human. It’s hard to see through other people’s eyes.”
“Alex, I like to think of myself as self-reliant, but I’m also selfish. It can’t stand. I am sorry for not putting myself in your shoes.”
I wiggle my foot. “I don’t think they’d fit. Anyway, it works both ways. You didn’t have parents and as lousy as mine were, I can’t imagine what that must’ve been like for you.”
Her eyelashes brush her cheek then she looks up at me. “So, we both have these heart wounds...and now we have each other.”