“I sort of met someone today.” My lips quirk happily as I stuff more food into my mouth.
He pauses. “You did?”
I swallow and can’t fight the smug lift of my chin. “I did.”
He narrows his eyes and leans forward. “Wait. Are you actuallyexcited?”
My eyes widen playfully, sharing in his shock. “I am.”
“Well, it’s about fucking time. I’m sick of you talking about dating like it’s a goddamn chore. Excited is how you’re supposed to feel.” He takes a sip of his drink and starts to dance in his seat. “Welcome to the club, Sis.”
I laugh and continue eating. To be fair, I used to get excited about the prospect of a new date. But once you’re lied to enough times, it starts to get old. I was even cheated on a few months ago, and we had only been dating for a couple of months when it happened. I don’t understand the dishonesty. If you want to keep something casual, just say so.
“What’s his name? I want to find him.”
I open my mouth to explain that I don’t actually know his name yet, but my smile fades when a second text comes in.
Unknown Number:
When do they let you hang up the apron and stop serving coffee?
Serving coffee? I don’t serve coffee. I might wear an apron at work, but there’s no coffee being served in the salon—especially not by me. He can’t think I work at Southern Roast, can he? I mean, I was in line as a customer, just like him. Unless he didn’t mean to ask me out at all. But he left his receipt for me. The only other person around was—Oh . . .
Shit. Shit. Shit.
The barista.
Miles catcheshis breath from laughing. “So let me get this straight. You thought some guy wanted your number, but he was asking out the girl giving him coffee?”
I glare at him, and he only laughs harder.
“And now he thinks he’s talking to said barista, but he’s really just talking to you?”
I take a deliberate bite of my taco.
He cackles. “You hijacked their meet cute!”
“I did not,” I say with a roll of my eyes.
He takes a sip of his margarita, but his smile never fades. “You’re right. You flat out killed it. You’re a love assassin.”
I flick a chip at him. “Would you stop? I will tell this ridiculously good-looking man who makes me laugh that I am not the barista of his dreams.”
Miles gives me a sideways glance. “Or you could try to make him fall in love with you andthentell him?”
I think about the possibility but shake my head. “Stop trying to make this messy.”
He shrugs and goes back to eating. “I love a scandal. Sue me.”
I frown at my phone and take another bite. Damn. How did I miss his note being meant for someone else? Had he been flirting with the barista while I was gawking at him? Iwassurprised by the gesture, but I figured he was just shooting his shot. Nothing wrong with that.
Oh, god. Maybe he’s been going into that coffee shop and flirting with her for months. Maybe this was the day he finally built up enough courage to ask her out, and I ruined it. How am I supposed to rectify something like this?
My eyes snap up to find Miles staring at me. “You look like you need to reboot.”