Well, I hope you two find whatever you’re looking for.

Then two other texts that look like they came in a few hours after the last one.


Miles says you’re going dress shopping tomorrow.

For a certain Christmas party.

My face falls. Miles? When did Chase talk to Miles? Exiting the thread, I go back to my messages and open one from my roommate.

It’s a picture.

Miles and Chase are together at an outdoor bar I recognize. Their heads are together, both smiling wide like they’ve been best buds for years, and even though knowing they’re together makes my nerves jump to attention, I can’t help smiling at the sight.


Look who I found!

Come meet us when you get off work.

“What are you smiling about?” Amanda catches me as she puts her purse over her shoulder.

With a lingering smile on my lips, I say, “Miles and Chase are at The Yard together. Want to join?”

Her head tilts. “They hang out?”

“They do now, I guess.” I give her a bemused shake of my head and hold up the picture I was sent.

She takes a step toward me to get a closer look and laughs. “Well, aren’t they a sight for sore eyes? Count me in.”

We head out into the evening air, and I’m thankful to feel the slightest chill, reminding me Christmas is near. I’m just wearing black leggings with a white tank and a denim shirt over it, but at least Florida is giving me a reason to keep my arms covered.

As we start our walk, I quickly send Miles and Chase the same text.


See you boys soon.

I wait a moment to see if either of them responds before putting my phone away, but no new messages come in. The thought of them having too much fun to check their phones should make me happy, but my anxiety spikes. I don’t think Miles would tell Chase how much I like him, but I also don’t know how long Miles has been there, or how many drinks he’s had at this point. The thought makes my feet carry me down the sidewalk just a little faster.


As soon aswe reach The Yard, I spot them. Chase has his back to us, but I notice him first. He’s on one side of the picnic style table alone while Miles and another guy sit across from him. My eyes immediately snag on Chase’s broad shoulders pulling the material of his dark blue T-shirt, and another jolt of excitement runs through me because I get to see weekend Chase again.

Miles looks up as we walk into the large outdoor dining area filled with wooden tables and blue umbrellas. He flashes me a smile, but then slams both hands down on the table and yells, “You brought Amanda?!” with nothing short of elation.

Amanda skips toward him and Miles gets to his feet, colliding into her with a hug. “Bitch, where the hell have you been?” he says as he squeezes her tight.

They’re still locked together when I make my way to the table, and Chase looks up at me with a grin. “Well, hey there, beautiful.” He slides over to make room for me on the bench beside him, and I smile as I set my bag down and take a seat.

Miles finally releases Amanda long enough to pull away and look at her. “Did you go more platinum?”

“Yeah!” she says with a smile. “Candace helped me with it about a week ago.”

Miles runs his fingers over the ends of her hair. “Love.” He glances my way. “You did this?”

“I did,” I say, happily clasping my hands under my chin and resting my elbows on the table.