
This is a much-needed break for you two. The neighbors will be fine.

“Hey,” I say, bringing my attention back to Miles. “My parents booked a cruise this year and won’t be hosting Christmas.”

Miles lifts his head. “Where was my invite?”

“Oh, we were both invited,” I assure him. “To a week-long wellness detox retreat.”

His face scrunches.

“Yeah. We were both busy. You’re welcome.”

He gives a two-finger salute before letting his head flop back on the couch. “Have fun Bill and Pat.”

My phonegoes off again.


Plus, who knows how many years are left before you settle down and have your own little candy canes. Then we’ll have to go big every year!

I don’t respond, and neither does my dad. He’s probably scolding my mother in person because theyknowhow I feel about having kids. It doesn’t matter how many times I try to explain how that lifestyle isn’t for me, my mom is convinced I’ll change my mind, and my dad is hopeful she’s right.

With a slight shake of my head, I put my phone down and try to separate myself from what I’m feeling. “So anyway, it will just be the two of us,” I say to Miles.

When he doesn’t respond right away, I look up and can’t fight my smile as I watch him ignore me to text the guy he’s been seeing. “So, is this thing between you two exclusive?”

He tilts his head from side to side. “On my end, yes. On his? I don’t know. I think so. Like I said, he’s kind of new to this, so I don’t think he has the boys lined up.”

I sigh dreamily and clasp my hands under my chin. “If only I could meet this mystery man . . .”

Miles scoffs. “He’s not that much of a mystery. He’s an accountant from Apopka, but you’ll love him.”

“I’m sure I will.” I take another sip of my wine.

He raises his eyebrows and quietly mutters, “Not as much as you love Daddy Chase, but . . .”

I nearly choke and have to cough through my last sip. “Would you stop calling him that?” I manage to get out. It’s the only way he has referred to Chase since meeting him.

“No,” he answers flatly as he sits up so he can look me square in the eyes. “You don’t even deserve him at this point. You went on a date with a man who looks likethat,and all that happened between you was a kiss on the cheek? What are you,twelve?” He shakes his head. “You should have. Ridden.That. Dick.” The last three words come out deep and rough.

“I told you, it’s not like that.”

Miles rolls his eyes hard enough that his whole head rolls with them. “Please. I saw the way he looked at you in that dress.” He points a finger at me. “And I’ve seen you work your magic on guys before. You’re fucking hot when you want to be. You could have seduced him.”

I know I’ve been different with Chase—more cautious than I usually am when I’m interested in someone, but that’s because I don’twantto be interested in him. I’m actively trying very hard not to have feelings for him that go beyond thinking he’s attractive. “What would be the point?”

We lock eyes and as soon as it registers what he’s about to say, I quickly add, “And do not say anything about?—”

But Miles has already yelled, “HIS DICK.”

I shake my head with a laugh, but he isn’t finished.

“His big, thick, Daddy Chase dick that is probably just as beautiful as the rest of him.”

I can’t stop laughing. “You’ve thought about this a lot, haven’t you?”

With a slow shake of his head, Miles says, “The things I would do to that man.”