His hands fly up in the air, and he stands frozen in place. Once I reach for the door handle, I shoot him a glare, and he drops his arms with a laugh. Gathering my bearings, I remind myself to breathe and open the door.

My anxiety and nerves melt away with one look at Chase’s disarming smile. He’s wearing a white button-down dress shirt, navy blue slacks, and brown leather shoes, and he looks like someone who just walked out of a magazine trying to sell each of those things.

“Hey,” I say with an easy smile.

“Hey, yourself.”

I step aside. “Come in. I just have to get my purse.”

Once he’s in the apartment, he looks around, taking it all in—including Miles standing off to the side between the kitchen and entryway. It’s always a fun moment when dates realize my roommate is a guy. There’s usually a shift in their expression—the mild surprise they try to hide. Sometimes Miles will pretend to be straight just to fuck with them.

Nothing in Chase’s expression falters. Taking a step toward Miles, he reaches out a hand. “Hey, man. I’m Chase.”

Miles meets his outstretched hand. “Miles. It’s nice to meet you.” He glances at me before locking on Chase. “So, are we allowed to know where you’re taking her tonight?”

Chase moves his hands to his pockets as he leans against our entryway, crossing his ankles. Instead of directing hisanswer to Miles, he looks at me. “What do you think of Ella’s?”

My hand slows as I hold my small black bag to my body. “Ella’s?” It’s one of the nicest restaurants in the city, and one I never thought I’d find myself sitting in.

Miles lets out a slow whistle. “Aren’t they always booked?”

Chase gives Miles a trace of a smile. “I have a reservation.” He lifts his gaze to me as I walk toward him. “But we can go somewhere else if you prefer.”

“Are you kidding?” I say with a laugh. “Ella’s is fine—more than fine.” I pause, looking down at myself. “Am I okay in this?” I hope he says yes, because if Ella’s calls for something nicer, we’ll have to stop at a store on the way.

“More than okay.”

My eyes snap up to find him watching me intently, and I’d pay an obscene amount of money to know what he’s thinking right now.

I know Miles is eating up this interaction, so I’m grateful when all he says is, “Well, you two better get going. Treat my girl right.”

Chase holds out his hand a second time for Miles. “She’s in good hands.”

“Oh, I have no doubt,” Miles says with a trace of laughter, and I know that’s our cue to leave—before he says something about the many things he’s sure Chase can do with his hands.

I blow Miles a kiss and head into the hall with Chase closing the door behind us. Not even seconds after the door latching, I get a text from my not-so-subtle roommate.



My lips twist to fight my smile, and I slip my phone back into the small bag.

“Everything all right?”

My head snaps up. “Yes. Sorry.”

“No need to apologize.”

I wait for him to walk, but he doesn’t.

“You look—” He shakes his head slightly. “You look amazing.”

Even as my heart hammers in my chest, I crinkle my nose. “Thank you?”

His eyebrows furrow. “Why the question?”

With a subtle lift of my shoulder, I start toward the exit. “I don’t know. This whole practice thing makes compliments a little weird.”