Somehow, her eyes widen even more. “You have to!” She relaxes a little as she goes on to say, “Listen. I don’t know this guy, but he’s hot.” She points to me. “You’re hot.” She circles her finger in the direction of my phone. “And a fake date situation between two hot people is hot as hell.”
“Right.” I glance down at the screen before looking back at her, silently asking if it’s rude of me to answer.
She waves her hand encouragingly. “Tell him yes.”
But I don’t tell him yes. Instead, I send a text to clarify for good measure.
You want me to fake date you at your company Christmas party?
His response comes in right away.
Well, when you put it that way . . .
I let out a laugh, but I don’t answer him again.
Amanda leans over the table to catch a glimpse of my text. “Did you say yes?”
I shake my head as I set my phone down on the table again. “No, I’ll answer him when I’m home and figure out what’s going on.”
“You’re going to that party. Don’t torture the man by making him wait for an answer.” She holds her glass to her lips. “Do I need to chug this so you can go home and accept the invitation, or do you want to just text him here?” Amanda has never been shy when it comes to her opinion.
“You’re stuck on this, aren’t you?”
She nods. “I am. I saw him today, and that’s reason enough. But I saw you today, too. You like him.”
“I barely know him.”
“But you like him.”
I hold her stare, determined to prove her wrong but also not sure how much it’s worth it. What’s the point of lying to her?
“I might like him,” I finally relent. Holding up a finger, I add, “But he’s made it very clear I’m not his type. This won’t turn into anything.”
“But it could.”
“But it won’t.”
She nods to my phone. “Text him.”
A wave of uncertainty washes over me as I slowly reach for my phone again. Glancing at his last message, I pause before typing one-word.
My phone buzzes on the table, but this time, it’s not a text—or even a double text. He’s calling me. I’m sure all the blood has drained from my face, considering how much Amanda finds this funny.
“You can answer it!” she says with a laugh.
I shake my head. “No way. I’m here with you.”
She rolls her eyes, but I reject the call before sending him a quick message.