Coffee Shop Guy:
You like pineapple on pizza, so I want to know what other disgusting things you find delicious.
Vanilla ice cream and soy sauce?
My mouth quirks as I type my response.
No, and fuck no.
The bell chimes overhead as he sends another text.
Coffee Shop Guy:
All right. No need to get violent.
I laugh and slip my phone into the drawer before greeting the short, elderly woman, her shoulders bent with age. She’s been coming to see me since I was a student in cosmetology school, and I love when she asks for tips on how to set her rollers at night.
“Ms. Bradshaw,” I say with a grin. “It’s great to see you.” Taking her bag from her, I help her into the chair and get situated. Shaking open the fresh cape, I drape it around her and ask, “So, what are we doing today?”
By the time I have a break for lunch, he’s texted two more times. And the weirdest part? I’m not creeped out. I think every woman has had her phone blown up by some guy who couldn’t take a hint, but whatever I have going on with this guy isn’t like that. His messages don’t give me the urge to change my number and file a restraining order. If anything, I enjoy them.
Coffee Shop Guy:
Orange juice and Oreos?
Please tell me it’s not the orange juice and Oreos. I don’t think I could take it.
I roll my eyes as I bite into my leftover tacos.
Where are you finding these combinations? Pineapple on pizza isn’t even weird compared to most of these.
In the few minutes it takes me to finish my lunch, he’s already answered.
Coffee Shop Guy:
I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you saying it isn’t weird doesn’t make it any less weird.
Where have you been all day? I thought I scared you away.
My heart does a tiny stutter, and I mentally scold myself for it.
Don’t you have a job? Or do you just wear suits in coffee shops to look important?
With the way he was dressed, he must have a job. Either that, or he was dressed to impress and is actively seeking employment. No one dresses in well-pressed business attire for the fun of it.
Coffee Shop Guy:
I have a job, thank you. But what I do in the confines of my office is my business.
Plus, my boss loves me.
Okay, so he’s not unemployed.