
John Lennon’s Happy Xmas. Why?

The second barista places my drink on the counter, and I thank him. My eyes dart to the girl one last time, but she’s already back to her bubbly self and smiling at the next customer. Turning and walking to the exit, I push the door open with my back and read the messages from Chase.


I feel like it says a lot about a person.

That’s probably the least Christmasy of Christmas songs. Are you the Grinch?

I huff and walk toward the salon.


Says the man who has no decorations in his apartment.

It takes him a few minutes to respond.


I guess I deserve that.


Not even a snow globe.


You know how I feel about useless products.

AND it has fake snow.

I let out a laugh, but then another piece of the never-ending Chase puzzle clicks into place.


Do you think all Christmas decorations are useless?

This time, he answers in a matter of seconds.


I think they serve their purpose.

Just not in my apartment.

I shake my head, stopping in front of my salon to text him back.


What’s your favorite Christmas song?

My phone vibrates as I pull open the salon door. My client isn’t here yet, so I take my time getting settled with my drink.


The one where grandma gets run over by a reindeermakes me laugh.