“I bet you do,” I say with a laugh, and his smile only stretches further. “So, how did we meet?” I need to get this conversation back to safer territory.

He gives me a funny look. “I accidentally asked you out, and it was the best mistake I’ve ever made.”

Something comes out of me halfway between a scoff and a laugh. “That’s the story you want to go with?”

He looks mildly offended. “It’s a great story.”

My nose crinkles. “Yeah, if you want to make me look pathetic.”

He sets his bottle down mid-sip.“What?”

I shift to face him. “What type of self-respecting woman dates a man who not only had no intention of asking her out, but also went back to ask out the right girl the next day?” I lift a dubious brow.

Amusement dances in his eyes like he knows he’s playing with fire. “One who can’t resist my charm?”

I playfully shove him and turn to face forward again. “You’re notthatpretty.”

He brings his hand to his chest with a wounded expression. “First of all,” he says, holding up a finger. “I am exactly that pretty. And second”—he holds up another finger—“you could never be pathetic. Look at it this way, a man thought he knew what he wanted until you came along and showed him otherwise. What’s wrong with that?”

I shake my head. How can he not see this for what it is? There’s no way anyone would think this is a good story. “Says the man who also went back to ask another girl out after meeting me, and when he got turned down, he settled.”

A slow smile stretches across his face. “Well, men are stupid.”


His lips twist. “Okay, fine. We can meet however you’d like,but I will warn you, I’m a terrible liar, and I’m known for going off-script.”

“Noted.” I shrug. “We can just meet at a coffee shop then. Let’s just leave out the part about the barista.” I give him a sideways glance.

“Layla,” he gently corrects.

I wave him off. “Yes, yes. I know her name.”

His head tilts, those brilliant eyes inspecting me. “Are you . . . jealous?”

My heart hammers in my chest. I’m not sure jealous is the right word. Do I wish he had asked me out instead? Sure. But that’s about as far as my feelings toward her go. I lean back to get a better look at him. “The only thing I’mjealousof is the fact that she doesn’t have to use dating apps anymore.”

His eyes narrow like he doesn’t believe me. “Okay,” he says. “We met at a coffee shop, and you were way out of my league.” Widening his legs to make room, he slowly inches my chair closer toward him. “I couldn’t see why you would ever be interested in a guy like me. I was about to leave, but at the last minute, I wrote on my receipt asking for your number. And by some fucking miracle, you actually gave it to me.”

By the time he finishes, the side of my chair is flush against the front of his. I’m hanging onto his every word, completely in a trance being this close. And who smells this good? Like Christmas trees with a dash of spice. All I want to do is climb into his lap—which wouldn’t be a stretch from where we’re at, considering I can feel the warmth of his thighs on either side of me.

The corner of his mouth quirks, and he quickly adds, “Then I grabbed your hand, dragged you home, and we had the best sex either of us has ever had.”

“Chase!” I push him away from me, laughing. But with our chairs this close, there’s only so much space for him to go. “You’re . . .” I shake my head, still laughing.

He cocks an eyebrow. “Despicable?”

I nod. “Yes, among other things.”

That beautiful, easy smile covers his face. “One day, I’d love to hear all the things you think I am.” His fingers brush over my exposed back, and his touch has my heart racing. “But I should probably get you home.”

“Probably.” I don’t want this night to end, but I know he’s right. If this were a real date, our night might be just beginning. Maybe he would take me back to his place and—no. I shut the thought down before it runs away with me.

Chase holds my hand for the walk back to his car, he touches my leg twice on the drive home, and by the time we’re standing outside my front door, it all feels like it went by too fast. This date has been a dream, and it’s not even real, but there’s still a chance he might kiss me at the end. My head spins, trying to keep up.

“Thanks for tonight.” I reach for my keys. “I don’t think I’ve ever had food as good as that.”

“The company wasn’t bad either.”