There’s a soft but still mischievous smile on her face as she eyes me up and down.
“You’ve been all smiles since lunch yesterday. I rarely get to see you this relaxed. You’re practically glowing. It’s a good look for you,” she says skeptically.
I blush a little, not quite sure how to handle the compliment.Yes, Lizzy. Three orgasms in the last day and a half will do that to you.
Nope. Not saying that.
“If you say so, I guess.” That seems like a more appropriate answer.
“Seriously, V. It’s good seeing you like this. Tanner even changed your sacred itineraryyesterday from a lazy night at the condo to a fun dinner here with a hot tub. You didn’t even bat an eye at the change,” she says.
I think about it for a second. She’s right. It does feel good to just go with what the day brings, especially when Tanner is leading the way. I should do this more often.
“Yeah, I guess this place really brings out the best in me. Just feels so good to be here,” I say, shrugging my shoulders trying not to give away any hints of my exploits with Tanner over the last two days. Oh Lizzy, if you only knew girl.
My gaze shifts over to Collin and Tanner. Tanner is looking away from me, but he must have heard Lizzy. I see the signs of a smile forming on the one side of his face I can see, one of his dimples now clearly noticeable through his beard.
Those dimples. My heart flutters.
I still don’t know exactly what we’re doing together. Yes, we’re having fun. Yes, he has feelings for me. I know we aren’t labeling it yet.
Normally, this kind of uncertainty in my life would make me spiral and panic. But I’m eerily calm and at peace, for now at least. I don’t know what’s next, but I know I don’t want this feeling to stop.
Chapter 26
Hot Tub
“So yeah, TJ’s pretty boring actually,” Tanner says, looking at Lizzy.
She huffs in disappointment, holding her plastic wine glass above the bubbling water of the hot tub.
“Damn, I was really hoping you had some crazy rockstar stories.”
“Hate to burst your bubble,” Tanner says, shaking his head, “but yeah, he’s boring. Comes out here a couple times each winter to ski. Tries to make it out in the summer and fly fish a bit, not much else. Oh, and he does really like to cook too.”
“Yeah, no shit,” I say. “That kitchen is insane. Glad someone is using it.”
I look at Tanner, sitting in the opposite corner of the hot tub directly across from me, Collin and Lizzy in the others. His chest and shoulders are still above the water and the view is incredible. I would kill to just be able to go across the hot tub and curl into his lap.
“So, Chap,” Collin says, cracking open a new beer, “is this the coolest place you manage?”
“It’s pretty cool,” Tanner says, “but not the coolest. There’s a guy with a dozen or so acres along the Snake on an old ranch. He built a new house, pretty similar to this, but the land is amazing. Fishing access, places to ride horses, insane views of the mountains. It’s perfect.”
Watching Tanner talk about this place is charming in its own way. I doubt he even realizes it, but when he describes the mountain, the river, the land, his entire demeanor changes. His voice is softer, his eyes sparkle, his dimples show while an involuntary smile takes over his face. It’s like he’s letting his guard down and giving you a glimpse into what really makes him tick. I’ve always known he loved Jackson and the Tetons, but hearing the way he knows the this place, it’s like he’s talking about a close family member or loved one, or even himself.
“So, Chap.You said your dog gave you those scratches? What is he, a fucking wolf?” Lizzy asks, still eyeing Tanner.
He laughs, almost choking on his beer. “Rex is a cattle dog, but he packs a punch. I was sleeping on the couch last night and he curled up on my back, until a moose outside startled him. The little shit ripped my back up good when he jumped off to go bark at the door.”
Lizzy seems to accept that answer, but her eyes still linger on his bare chest above the waterline with a mix of skepticism and lust.
Tanner takes note of Lizzy’s gaze before drying his hands on a towel and grabbing his phone, laughing as he types something out.
“Well guys, TJ says hi and he hopes we’re enjoying the place. Wishes he were here,” Tanner says.
“Damn, look at you. Texting famous celebrities,” Collin says, lifting his beer to cheers Tanner.