Page 48 of Full Send

Chapter 23



“Holy shit, Chap,” Lizzy says, practically shouting, “you weren’t fucking kidding. TJ must be loaded.”

The four of us stand in the driveway of TJ’s house, taking in the mammoth mansion in front of us. It’s lit in the dark by the well placed landscape lighting. It’s only a couple streets over from the condo, but this street is made up of much newer, more modern homes that back directly up to the slopes.

The house is slung low to the ground, an angular roof extending from above the garage all the way to the far end, where floor to ceiling glass gives a peek into the main open living space. Despite its modern design with glass, exposed metal beams, and timber accents, it’s nestled delicately into the trees and blends into the scenery surprisingly well. Lizzy is right, TJ must do well for himself.

“Yeah,” Tanner trails off, breaking the silence, “so managing these properties, I’ve learned there are rich people and then there arerichpeople. Normally, rich people might be able tobuy a second home, but they need to rent it out sometimes to afford it. But thereally rich,they can buy a place like this for ten million dollars and let it simply sit empty most of the year until they need to use it here and there or let their friends crash. TJ is certainly the latter.”

“Damn, dude. This place is sick,” Collin says, “ever been to any parties here?”

Tanner laughs. “No, not really. I’ve been around a few times when he’s had people over but TJ isn’t much of a party animal.”

“So back to our plan. Where’s the guesthouse, Tanner?” I ask.

“Oh yeah. My bad. When you guys get back, just go through that gate next to the garage on the right. You’ll go past the main house and see the hot tub. The guesthouse living room opens right up to the hot tub. Can’t miss it,” he says.

“Alright cool. Lizzy and I will go pick up the food. Order’s under your name, right, V?” Collin looks back to me for confirmation, with a thumbs up gesture.

“Yep. You got it. Want to pick up some ice cream while you’re out?” I suggest, pressing my hands together, bouncing up and down pleading. Collin laughs. “Lizzy and I were already planning on it. Same flavors as before, I assume?”

I nod in approval, sensing that I might be about to get the moment I’ve been hoping for all day. A moment alone with Tanner. I feel my body ache in anticipation of being alone, with him, and having more than a few minutes.

“Cool. See y’all in an hour or so,” Collin says, as he turns to head towards his SUV.

“Later losers,” Lizzy scoffs, “don’t have too much fun without us.”

After watching them turn the corner and out of sight, I move to Tanner, grasping his hand and intertwining his fingers with mine. His hands are so large and rugged that mine just get lost in them. A wave of relief comes over me as I’m finally able to touchhim after playing cat and mouse all day, hiding from Collin and Lizzy.

“So, I was told there’s a kitchen I have to see,” I say, looking up into his eyes, grinning with anticipation.

He lets out a low hum. “Be patient, Ronni. Wanted to show you the guesthouse first.”

I’m so tired of patience. All I’ve wanted today was to be close to him.

“Fine,” I grumble, “if you insist.”

As we enter the guesthouse, I’m in awe. It’s modern and sleek like the main house and impeccably decorated, as if it was used for the latest Crate and Barrel catalog.

“So… I think we’ve got what, just under an hour?” The lustful look is back in Tanner’s eyes. It’s been less than two days now and I’m already addicted to that look in his endless green eyes.

I step towards him, he’s so tall that I’m eye level with his collarbone and I have to crane my neck to meet his eyes.

“I seem to remember you saying your body wasmineto use as I please?”

He nods, a low growl escaping his mouth before his lips are pressed into mine, his tongue offering just a tease as it lingers in my mouth.

“This way,” he says, his voice low, leading me by my hand to the guesthouse’s main bedroom. I’m barely able to contain my eagerness. I can feel the desire about to erupt within me. Things that have been buried so deep inside for years, are all flooding back, all thanks to this man.

As we head to the bedroom, he pulls a few condoms from his jean pockets. The gesture is reassuring.

“Actually, I meant to ask,” I say, “I have an IUD and I haven’t exactly been with anyone in ages so…”

“It’s been a while for me too, but I always get tested and I’m fine,” he says.