Page 27 of Full Send

It was a full day on the mountain followed by a long happy hour turned hot mess express. I’m ready to get in bed and finally get some sleep.

As we reach the door leaving the mudroom, Tanner pauses before turning back to me. Something has been off about himtonight, all evening actually, besides the obvious that he’s now shirtless. What’s with all of the eye contact he’s been making with me tonight? And letting his hand linger on my wrist. It’s like there’s a hint of vulnerability beyond all that bravado. Even last night I remember him blushing, something I’ve hardly ever seen him do.

Something is clearly on his mind. But what? Tanner has it easy, living the good life here in Jackson, far from the stressful realities us in the real world face. Is he worried about Collin maybe? No, that can’t be it, a night like this is hardly a new thing for those two. I doubt it’s work. What the hell could he possibly be worried about?

“You alright, Tanner? You’ve been awfully quiet the whole walk back. And what’s with all the eye contact lately?”

We’re practically face to face leaning against the door frame. God. For all the years I’ve known him I’ve only ever thought of him as Collin’s childhood best friend. Sure we spent time together and he was always cute. But he was just a close family friend.

Now though. Damn if he doesn’t have the body of a man. I definitely don’t remember all of…this.

My eyes scan his body, taking in the piece of living art standing in front of me.A body of rugged and striking muscle. Now I can make out the new tattoo on his chest hidden by the curls of his chest hair. It’s a tiger head, its mouth open showing its teeth. But instead of orange and black, it’s stripes are teal and black. His chest hair trails down his abs to his waist. His flat, toned lower abs on full display, defined by his raised hip bones on either side and one pulsing vein trailing down under his belt line, highlighting that V.

Wow. If I stare any longer I’m going to start drooling.

Shit. Too late.

I’m snapped out of my trance by a quick low whistle.

“Yoo-hoo, my eyes are up here,” he says with a hushed laugh and a wink, after catching me practically eyefucking him. I can’t hide my embarrassment as my face goes flush and I turn red. “But, yes. I’m fine, Ronni. It’s just been a long day.” I can hear the tension building in his deep, raspy voice, as it nearly cracks.

Tanner leans further into the doorframe from the mudroom. His arms stretching overhead, his broad shoulders filling out the doorway. This man towers over me, and I’m not short. There’s something primal about his presence, something dangerous yet alluring.

Standing like this, I can see just how well built the rest of his upper body is. His biceps and triceps are stretched out yet flexed, his powerful forearms and hands gripping the door frame, the veins in those gorgeous arms peeking through his tanned skin. From here, I can make out the rest of the detail of the chef’s knife on his forearm. The blade is wrapped in roses and vines, but peering through the gaps, reflecting back in the blade are a woman’s beautiful eyes. They’re a subtle hazel color, almost like my own.

I still can’t take my eyes off his hands though and the way he’s gripping the door. He could grip me like that with those large hands. What the hell, V. Pull yourself together and snap out of it.

“Yeah, you’re right. It’s been a long night. It sure has been good to see you though.” I’m trying to regain my composure, but it’s futile. I turn red again as I immediately realize what I just said. Good tosee you!?Who says that after just getting caught ogling their brother’s best friend?

What is wrong with me tonight? Maybe it’s the altitude or all those spicy margs. Or maybe it’s the insanely built specimen of a man inches from me.

He lets out a little chuckle as he catches my embarrassment. That smile, those dimples. Have they always been there all these years too?

“Well, I ought to get going.” The words come out of his mouth, but his body isn’t following his own command. We’re still face to face. Something is still off with him, an emotion I’ve never seen in the decades I’ve known him or at least one I’ve never noticed before.

What. Is. It?

“You sure you’re alright, Tanner?” I inch closer and put my hand on his side to offer some reassurance, feeling his bare skin. God those muscles. I can feel him stiffen at my touch.

Wait… am I having this effect on him? Could I be throwing the unflappable Tanner Chapman off his game?

Standing this close to him with my hand on his side, I can’t help but notice that something about him is timeless. His face, his features, all of it unashamedly rugged and masculine. Like if we went back in time a hundred years to rural frontier Wyoming, he’d stand out just as much as he does today.

I feel my eyebrow beginning to arch as my hand lingers on his side. I glance down at my hand, just above his jeans. Dear god, even this man’s legs are jacked, his quads outlined through his faded blue jeans.

He reaches toward me, the back of his hand brushing my cheekbone as he tucks a strand of my hair back behind my ear. The sensation of his warm, callused skin on me gives me goosebumps up and down my arms and over the nape of my neck. He’s so close I’m overwhelmed by his scent. It’s like being near a stream running with clean fresh melted snow, pine needles all around, but still masculine with hints of oak and earthy leather.

God damn everything about him like this is so overtly sensual.

His eyes break contact with mine and he looks down at the ground for just a second. The ever present confidence of Tanner Chapman is briefly replaced with a look of boyish nervousness as he bites his lower lip and exhales in a whisper.

Is that… doubt in his face? This man, so ever confident, ever so calm, is doubting himself?

Could itreallybe because of me?

Before I could finish that thought, those piercing green eyes fix back on me, his lids low and heavy. There’s a hungry force behind them now. I can hear his breath become heavy and watch his teeth dig into his lower lip. He leans forward, tilting my head up towards his face, his lips closing the final inches between us. My hand is still glued to his side as he lowers his other hand from the doorframe and rests it on my hip.

Our lips meet. He opens his mouth just enough for me to feel his breath heavy on my lips before he closes in again, ever so slightly biting my lower lip. Our mouths open, his tongue slides along mine, inviting me to kiss him back. I can’t resist. I push my tongue into his mouth, slanting mine to feel all of his mouth against mine.