“Ok. That’s fair. But first, he’s not just some ski bro. And second, it’s… proportional,” I say, grinning wildly, “and he knows how to use it in all the right ways.”
“Jesus,” she mutters under her breath, “no wonder you’ve been so giddy the last few days.”
She shimmies her shoulders. “So when was the first time you two fucked?” Ugh. Lizzy. Always direct.
“Remember when you and Collin couldn’t get on the gondola in time and we rode separately?” I ask, biting my lower lip at the memory, practically feeling him between my legs again.
“Ugh. Don’t turn this back on me,” she pouts, before something clicks in her brain and her jaw drops. “Wait! Oh my god! Did you guys seriously fuck on the gondola?” she asks incredulously.
“Oh, god no! That would have been fucking crazy,” I say, grabbing the bar on the chairlift. “But he went down on me and got me off just before the gondola ride ended. Like literal seconds before we met you two for lunch. Before he started, he said, and I quote, he wanted me to relax and enjoy my vacation.”
Even through her goggles, I can sense the stunned look in her eyes matching her dropped jaw. “That’sfucking hot. Like hotter than any of my book boyfriends. Or real life boyfriends for that matter. He sounds like a fucking keeper, V.”
“I… I know.” Admitting it out loud makes this all feel so real.
I spend the next few minutes filling her in on the rest of the sordid details. Last night after the bar, in front of the fireplace while they made the ice cream run, the mudroom kiss, the mudroomagain, TJ’s guesthouse. Ok. Wow. We have been busy
I think she might be actually impressed at just how much we were sneaking around and managed to squeeze in this past week.
“Damn,” she says, letting out a sigh, “I think I like Horny Veronica. This is the happiest I’ve seen you in ages. But you’re already calling him your boyfriend after just days. So is this, like,serious?”
My body tenses just a bit at the question. But I know in my heart the answer is yes. Although Tanner and I haven’t openly talked about all the details that much, we know we’ve never felt this way before.
Do we love each other? Yes, as crazy as that sounds right now. Is there incredible chemistry? Um, hell yes. I think we’d do anything to make this work, but what would that even look like? Moving to Jackson, him going to Dayton, Ohio, or something else? I can’t see this man living in Ohio, away from the mountains that are practically a part of his soul. And he’d be even further from his family.
Oddly, the thoughts and uncertainty don’t make me anxious, just hopeful. It’s like with him, I don’t have to plan out every little detail. I can just trust him to be there for me and make me feel like everything will be ok. It finally feels like there’s a light at the end of the miserable tunnel I’ve been stuck in for years. I know what’s coming is bright, I just don’t know what it is or how I’ll get there.
“I’m going to take your silence as a yes. I can see your wheels turning, like you’re clearly planning out all the scenarios to make this work.” She knows me so well. “Love you, girl. I’m happy for you. You guys will figure it out,” she continues, resting her hand on my knee. “So, does he have any brothers?”
I cackle at her question and how she can always pivot her tone on the fly. “Actually, he does have a younger brother, Clay. Definitely not your type though.”
The lift is finally reaching the top and it’s almost time to get lunch. But I keep going back to what she said.
He’s a keeper.
Yes, he is. And now that he’s all mine, I’m determined to figure out how to keep it that way.
Chapter 36
Deep Breath
God damnit. Why am I sweating? Why am I this nervous? I’ve gone off cliffs on skis. I’ve bungee jumped. I’ve launched myself off bridges into rivers. Fuck, I finally made the leap and went after Ronni. Why am I this scared?
The last few days have been a blur, a smoking hot one, but a blur for sure. Ronni stayed over at my place again last night before spending the day in town with Collin and Lizzy, shopping again and taking a break from the slopes.
Probably my own fault, but I’m exhausted. I think we stayed up until 3:00 AM last night fucking again and again. Sex with her is otherworldly. The way she makes my body feel, the way she reads my mind and brings me over the edge, it’s all so hot, so incredible. I think I could just spend the rest of my life like that, never leaving the cabin, just getting delivery for Gatorade and carryout.
It’s probably not the worst thing that I got a few hours away from her today though. I finally took a nap and let my brain and dick recharge and got some work done.
I’m sure she enjoyed the day in town with her brother and Lizzy. I sort of feel bad that she’s been spending so much of her time with me when Lizzy came out for a girls trip, but whatever. I can be selfish for once and I think Lizzy is actually ok with it, seeing how happy her best friend is for a change. Besides, they get to see each other every day in Ohio. And Collin and Lizzy have clearly bonded. I still can’t get over that they not only found a cowboy, but one that goes both ways at that. Talking about finding a needle in a Wyoming haystack.
So now I’m standing at the door of their condo, a bouquet in my trembling fist. I can’t remember a time I’ve been this terrified. I can practically hear my knees rattling.
Ok, Tanner. Take a deep breath. You’re just picking up yourgirlfriendfor our first real date. Mom would’ve killed me if I didn’t bring flowers like a gentleman.
I knock on the door, waiting for what feels like an eternity for it to open.