My phone’s on silent, but I see my screen light up with a notification. I wait a minute before grabbing my phone to check. It’s a message from Tanner.
Tanner: Thinking of you, maybe a little too much. Got a bit of a Teal Tiger crop top situation again… ;)
My heart skips a beat, thinking about the way he ruined me tonight before dinner, leaving my body craving more. I reply, before putting my phone away.
Me: Thinking of you and your situation too… XOXO
Getting my mind back to the moment, I change the subject to something more predictable.
“Collin? Lizzy?” I start. “Do you guys remember the plan for tomorrow?”
“Ugh, V. Just when I’m starting to think you’re being less…you… you go and bring up the itinerary,” Lizzy scoffs before taking another sip of wine.
Collin laughs, looking back at me.
“Why don’t you go ahead and pretend we forgot and walk us through it again? We know you’ll feel better if you do.”
I guess I am that predictable. I think back to what I told Tanner just before dinner, that I want to be more spontaneous. I think about how he’s right, I can relax and trust him. I can trust Collin and Lizzy too.
“Alright. Fine then. If you want me to be lessme,let’s say screw it. What do you guys want to do tomorrow?” I ask, glaring at both of them, my eyebrows raised. I smirk before my eyes meet Tanner’s, who nods and grins in approval. Geez. That did feel good.
Lizzy is the first to wipe the surprised look off her face and quickly gets a giddy look. “Well I know what I want. After we go skiing, let’s go out for dinner and then I can finally look for a cowboy at one of those cool old bars downtown.”
Collin nods to Lizzy, clinking his beer to her glass. “Now that’s a good plan.”
Tanner laughs and runs his fingers through his wet hair.
“Sorry, Ronni,” he says, trying to hide his disappointment. “I have to work in the morning so I won’t see y’all on the slopes. I’ll catch up with you at the bars later though. Where’re we going first?”
I look over to Lizzy.
“Since this is Lizzy’s first time here and she’s hell bent on finding a cowboy,” I say, rolling my eyes, “I figured we’d start at the Silver Dollar Cowboy Bar. Sound good to you guys?”
“Oh hell yeah, V,” Collin says, looking over to Tanner. “You ready to check in on our old friend, Tanner? I hope he’s still there.”
Tanner lets out a chuckle and reaches over to Collin, giving him a jab in the shoulder with his fist still holding his beer.
“I hope so, bud. Been a while since we’ve checked in on him.”
“Umm… someone care to fill me in?” Lizzy asks, annoyed she’s missing out on an inside joke. A look of excitement then takes over her face. “Wait, is your old friend a cowboy?!”
I roll my eyes, shaking my head thinking about Collin and Tanner. All these years and they still have to do this same old shit. I sigh.
“You’ll see, Lizzy. I told you these boys never change,” I groan.
Chapter 27
Horny Badger
“Come on bud, let’s go.” I watch Rex sprint from the barn towards the truck kicking snow up behind him. He wiggles around excitedly waiting for me to get there. I’m not too far behind him, carrying the box of knives I finished up the other day. I need to drop these off at the Eclectic Elk. They open at 9:00AM, which gave me just enough time after my plow run this morning to come home for breakfast, let Rex out for a round of fetch, and to grab the knives.
It’s just another typical work day for me, especially with the fresh snow coming in last night that needed to get plowed first thing this morning. I’ve still got plenty I need to get done today, but at least I’m getting an early start. And I get to hang out with Collin, Ronni, and Lizzy later tonight. Ok, so maybe it’s not such a typical day for me. Yeah, the last few days have been anything but typical. That’s for sure.
It still feels surreal. This thing between Ronni and me right now. It’s consuming every minute of my thoughts. I couldbarely sleep last night replaying the time we had by ourselves at the guesthouse. I’d be happy to just let myself get lost in those memories. But I do actually have to get shit done today, especially if I want to see her later.
Driving into town, I realize I’m still a bit groggy. Maybe it was staying up all night at TJ’s hot tub or maybe it was being up early for work, but I definitely need another coffee. Pulling into the drive thru at Cowgirl Coffee on my way, I’m greeted by Kelsey, who usually works the morning shift, at the window.