Fifteen Years Earlier
Some things never get old. Waiting here at the top of the mountain in the cold winter air, the wind is whipping flurries around the three of us like we’re in a snow globe. We’re standing at the top of aslope, ok maybe more of a cliff, with our ski tips dangling precariously over the edge. Nope, this feeling definitely never gets old.
I look over at Collin and Ronni. He’s still griping with her about how steep this run is.
“Come on, lil sis.” He points down into Corbett’s with both hands, raising his palms up as if we can’t see just how steep and gnarly the chute is, bound by imposing granite cliffs on either side. “This shit is crazy. There’s a reason we’ve never skied it, Veronica. Even my bro here hasn’t hit it yet!”
I’ll give him that. Corbett’s Couloir is Jackson Hole’s iconic run, always on the list of the scariest ski runs in the country. Plusbeing right in front of the aerial tram’s path, there’s an audience if you end up falling and biting it. They’re in town for President’s Day Weekend before they head back to their parents in Ohio. We’ve talked about doing this for years and we finally get a chance to do it with perfect weather and conditions while they’re here on a break.
I soak in the moment with them. Collin’s still arguing, trying to back out. ButRonni. She’s palming her face, shaking her head while strands of her long brown hair are blowing in the wind. They’re always so competitive and egging each other on. She’s trying not to laugh at her brother and it’s fucking adorable.
She turns in my direction, sending me a heart melting smile before glancing back to her brother.
“Oh come on, it’s not that bad. We’ve definitely skied worse.” She elbows him before glancing back at me, flashing a soft but confident grin as she tilts her chin up. “Tell him, Tanner.”
I’m glad most of my face is covered by my neck warmer and goggles, because I can’t hide the shade of red my cheeks turn whenever she says my name or smiles at me.
“Ronni’s right, bro. We’re all gonna do it eventually. So quit being a little bitch and just send it.” I say, shrugging. He hems and haws, still unconvinced.
I start to gather myself, lining up to hit the tricky line. It’s a near vertical drop for about fifteen feet, bound by granite cliff walls on either side requiring two pinpoint turns, before it opens up into a more manageable, but still super steep, pitch. I haven’t hit it before, but the three of us always said we’d do it together before we graduated high school. It’s our senior year and they might only make it out one more time before the end of the season. So yeah, today’s the day. Let’s fucking send it.
I look back over at the twins to check in with them one last time before heading down the chute. Collin is still shaking his head. I’ve always been able to read his body language. Right nowI can tell he’s not entirely sold on this run, even if he’s more than skilled enough for it. “Come on, bro. You got this. You’ll be fine. Let’s hit it!”
“Ugh. Yeah. You’re right. I’ll be ok. You want to go first though?” He looks at me, hoping I’ll show him the way and give him a confidence boost.
His sister groans and lets out a huff.
“Seriously, quit being so lame. Do you need a girl to show you how it’s done?” I watch as one side of her lips pulls up into what I think is a sly mischievous grin, her way of sayingwatch me. And I’m pretty sure she’s shooting me a wink under her tinted goggles. “Laterbros!”
She clicks her ski poles together twice and before I can respond or even laugh, she drops down into the chute and I feel my heart skip a beat. She nails each of the tight turns effortlessly and confidently. I watch as she descends further down the steep pitch, her long hair flowing beautifully behind her in the wind. She skis off, taking my heart with her and I don’t even care.
It’s hers. She can keep it.
Chapter 10
A Little Taste
Lizzy takes a bite of her snack bar as we ride up the two person chair for one of the last runs of the afternoon. Really? How many pocket snacks does she have stashed away?
After getting her legs under her on Tower Three Chute this morning, I’m pleased at how she’s settled in well and been crushing some of Jackson’s more difficult terrain. She’s definitely earned her Frisky Fox Spicy Margs tonight.
“So what’s Chap’s deal, anyways?” Lizzy barely even looks up from her snack bar, catching me off guard at the casualness of her question.
“What do you mean?” I ask, with what I assume is a puzzled look plastered over my face. “He’s Tanner. Just a good old friend.”
“What I mean, Veronica, is what’s hisdeal?” She sighs audibly over the wind of the mountain air. “He’s hot, like a real hunk of a rugged ass man. Not some whiny boy back home in the office in Ohio in khakis and a polo.”
She looks up from her snack bar, her goggles hiding most of her expression. “You’re telling me you’veneverbeen interested in him? Not even a little tempted to dip your hand into the cookie jar? Not even a little taste?”
I groan in exasperation. Even when she swears off dating or finding a man, it still somehow comes back to this, even if it’s at my expense.
“No, Lizzy.” I find myself pausing much longer than I had expected, waiting for some retort or quip from her. The silence lets me think about her question more though.