Seriously. What is with him and the eye contact today?
“Not really trying to pick someone up out on the slopes.” He lets out a small huff and continues. “But as far as hitting tough lines goes, skiing for me isn’t about what anyone else thinks. I don’t care about what someone thinks of my form or being seen at some fancy resort in some cute outfit.”
He breaks eye contact with me to glare at Lizzy briefly before returning to me.
Ouch dude. I can feel that burn from here as Lizzy sneers back at him, her eyes shooting daggers. Sorry girl, he’s not wrong. I get it. Skiing is about how it makes me feel. I don’t do it for someone else.
Tanner continues his answer, unfazed. “Sometimes it’s just about having fun and pushing yourself to grow. That’s what I love about skiing here. The mountain is in charge, the weather changing it every day, and sometimes even within the day. We’re just along for the ride, never actually in control of it. So if a line looks good and is speaking to me, I’ll take it when I can get it. Who knows when I’ll ever get the chance to hit it like that again. Sometimes you just gotta take a deep breath andsend it.”
The question might have come from Lizzy. And yes, that dig was definitely meant for her. But Tanner’s gaze practically never left my eyes the entire time he answered her question. Was he really talking about skiing? It feels like he’s talking right to me.
It was a great answer. I couldn’t agree more, even if I don’t ski the same crazy lines as him all the time. The freedom and ability to let go on the mountain is something I totally understand. But hearing a serious and heartfelt answer from him is certainly jarring. Maybe he has matured.
Lizzy rolls her eyes and scoffs. “You ski bros. What doessend iteven mean?”
Tanner looks wounded, like his way of life has been insulted.
“I get it. Sometimes you just gotta stop overthinking it, say fuck it and let go of it all. Just do it.Send it.” What was that? I can’t believe those words just came out of my mouth like that. Tanner looks back at me, a sense of approval on his face. I don’t know if that’s because I came to his defense or agreed with him, but he seems satisfied. He leans back in his chair, arms crossed, nodding his head in agreement, eyes still locked on mine.
And that’s how the rest of the night goes. Tanner and Collin talking about past exploits. Lizzy interjecting with occasional jabs, albeit in good fun. Or at least I hope so. And maybe I’m just seeing things, but I might appreciate the extra glances and smirks from Tanner. Either way, all of it feels like home again, the condo coming to life with the laughs of those closest to me.
Chapter 9
Déjà Vu
“Maybe another warm up run would have been a good idea.” Lizzy looks back at Ronni, Collin, and me, standing above the narrow Tower Three Chute. Why do I always feel like I’m standing at the edge of a cliff with Ronni?
All of us are tired after staying up too late at the condo last night after pizza. Ronni was right though. Lizzy is a good skier, but maybe a double black diamond experts only run like Tower Three Chute wasn’t the best idea to dive into after an easy warm up run.
“Relax, Lizzy. You got this.” The way Ronni’s coaching Lizzy, smiling and laughing, trying to put her friend at ease, it’s so endearing.
“What’s wrong, Lizzy? Little bit steeper than Aspen Valley, eh?” Collin on the other hand. Well, he’s an ass as usual. “Probably should have had an extra coffee to get ready for this.”
“Oh fuck off, Collin.” Ronni snarls, sticking her tongue out at her brother with Lizzy quickly matching her. I snort a laugh,shaking my head watching the three of them. “It’s really not that bad, Lizzy. A few quick turns and you just need to watch it when you get down to that choke point by the big rock. Once you squeeze through there, you’re home free. Just watch me.”
I watch as Ronni jumps down into the run, calm, confident, and carefree. I could watch her like this all day. The way she glides down the run, the ends of her braids flowing behind her in the wind. I feel the heat creeping up my neck and a wide grin forming on my face.
“Damn, a little déjà vu. Right, Chap?” Fuck. I snap myself out of my trance, looking back over to Collin. I swear, I don’t know how he hasn’t picked up on my feelings for Ronni over the years.
I let out a short laugh. “Yeah, she’s something man. Always making us look like little bitches.”
I look back to Lizzy. “See. It’s not that bad. You good? If you want, you can go ahead and we’ll wait back to make sure you get down ok.”
Lizzy eyes me a bit cautiously before looking down the run, finding Ronni a hundred yards down or so waving at her. “Sure, Chap. Thanks.”
She takes the run a bit more slowly and less gracefully than Ronni, but she still nails it. When she reaches Ronni, they give each other fist bumps before turning back to us.
“You’re turn, bro. Gonna outdo your sister?” I ask as Collin looks up at me, letting out a long sigh.
“That’s a tall order man. See you down there.” He chuckles before I pat him on the back, still giving him shit right before he goes down the run.
“Saving the best for last as always, I see,” I yell at him as he skis away.
After Collin gets down the run, I size up my line. The big VW Bug sized rock right at the choke point has a nice packeddown mound of snow on it and the landing zone looks soft after watching the other three hit the run.
Maybe I could…