Chapter 1
Ride a Cowboy
“Can we start boarding already? I could really use that first class mimosa right about now,” Lizzy says impatiently, as we wait for the gate agent to start calling boarding zones.
“Hold your horses. Geez. I want to get on the plane and in our seats too,” I say, trying not to think about how much flying stresses me out. Well, not flying per se, but the chaos before the flight really. It’s always made me anxious. Who am I kidding? Almost everything makes me anxious. Packing my bags, getting to the airport hours ahead of time, parking shuttles, security lines, boarding, all of it just stressing me out.
And Lizzy knows I can’t relax until the boarding door is closed and we’re finally just along for the ride. And it being the day after Christmas, all of it is even more of an absolute madhouse. My anxiety levels are through the roof.
“I know it stresses you out,Veronica,”she says, raising her eyebrows in my direction. “Even with TSA Pre-check, you stillinsisted we get to the airportfourhours early for a domestic flight. What gives girl? It’s vacation. Just let go.”
Ah Lizzy, sarcastic and sassy as always. I wish it were that simple to justlet go.
“Ugh. I’m sorry. I know it’s excessive, but that’s me.” I smile back at her, shrugging.
Sorry, not sorry, Lizzy. I’ve known Elizabeth Frank, Lizzy, since college at Miami Oxford, just over a decade ago by now, and we’ve worked together for the last two years at Fischer Industries, a manufacturer of consumer packaging. She should know what she signed up for by going on vacation with me. She read the two page itinerary I made for Collin and her after all, at least I hope so.
“It’s fine, V. I’ve been looking forward to this ski trip so much though. I can’t wait to get to Wyoming, have a couple girls nights, get a few cocktails, and find a hunky cowboy. Didn’t you say there are some cool old cowboy bars there?” she asks with a mischievous grin.
For all of my anxious, neurotic, self-conscious tendencies, Lizzy is the opposite. A classically cute bubbly and flirtatious blonde. She’s stunningly fit with a big smile and effortlessly outgoing, but recently went through a bad breakup.
“Well first, I thought you were swearing off dating for a while? And second, yes there are some cowboy bars there, but I don’t think there are any real cowboys left in Jackson, Wyoming. Pretty sure it’s just tourists and local ski bros there now.” She registers my response, but looks undeterred as usual.
“Hmm. Well, I said I didn’t want to date anyone for now. But if I can find a nice rugged cowboy, I wouldn’t mind turning him into my own playground for a night. How’s that song go again, save a horse,ride a cowboy?” She stares at me, eyebrows raised, with that same grin as she twirls her fist in the air like she’s about to throw a lasso.
Oh boy. What did I get myself into by bringing her on this trip. I laugh out loud picturing Lizzy roaming the city, hunting the bars of downtown Jackson like a feral wolf, looking for her dream cowboy.
Looking at her, she could certainly have her pick. Even now with her casual travel day choice of black yoga pants, heathered gray crop hoodie showing a hint of her toned stomach, perfectly clean sneakers, and her hair pulled back into a ponytail, she looks like a smoke show. Like a Pinterest post about travel day looks. I’ve always been envious of how she can make even athleisure wear look that good.
“Oh what’s so funny? You can’t tell me you haven’t thought of finding yourself a mountain man on all of your ski trips out to Jackson over the years?” She asks, knowing full well I’d love nothing more than a real, caring partner in my life.
“I mean… it’s crossed my mind. But let’s just focus on your cowboy first though,” I say, my eyes drifting down to the dirty terrazzo floor of the airport terminal, a small feeling of despair creeping into my thoughts.
I’ve been hopelessly single for years, my anxiety driven, workaholic lifestyle cutting into my social and dating life, where my only recent romantic partners are the ones resting quietly in the drawer of my nightstand in black silk bags. I’ve wanted career success for so long, but I’ve started to question if it’s worth the personal sacrifice.
My mind drifts off to thinking about the sad topic that is my love life, when I feel a buzz in my pocket.
Fuck, is that Jeff?
I pull my phone out, catching a glimpse at the notification on my work messenger app. Yep, it’s my boss, Jeff. What does he want now? I look at my phone before putting it away. My momentary silence does not go unnoticed, unfortunately.
“Was that Jeff? What couldhepossibly want right now?” Lizzy asks cautiously, her voice nearly drowned out by the sounds of waiting passengers crowding the gate area.
“It’s nothing. Just something for Earth SnaX and their new packaging line we’re proposing. I’ll get to it when we’re on the plane.” My answer is short. I’m ready to move on.
I dread thinking about work and Lizzy knows that, but sometimes it’s hard to not talk about it, seeing as we work together and know so many of the same people. Lizzy has only been working at Fischer in Dayton, Ohio for a couple years, but I started thirteen years ago as a starry eyed intern with big dreams of a hot shot marketing career. And while I should consider myself lucky and successful, I don’t know that I’ll ever be happy with my job anymore.
I still remember when I picked marketing as my major over a decade ago. I had grand illusions of working as a successful professional in New York City for a big name company. Somewhere with exciting products that was far away from the doldrums of the Midwest, where I grew up. But all these years laters and I’m still here.
Ok. Stop it V. That’s enough dwelling in the past.
It’s vacation time.
The boarding door has now closed. Plea….