Page 97 of Sidelined Love

As we make our way downstairs, I catch him up on all the plans for the event. His eyes light up as I describe the small trophies I found for the winners.

“This is incredible. You’ve put a lot of thought into this. Then again, I’m not surprised by that at all.”

I feel my cheeks warm at Levi's compliment. “Thanks, but let’s wait until after the event to give praise. This might all fall apart.”

“Bullshit. This is going to be great,” Jade says, and I’m happy she has enough optimism for the two of us.

“I have to make a speech and I’m probably going to faint. It’ll be fine,” I say sarcastically.

“It will be and if you’re so freaked out, I can get you a shot of something upstairs to take the edge off,” Jade offers.

“Nah, I’ll be okay. Maybe.”

That makes Levi chuckle and I’m happy to see a smile on his face. As we load everything into his SUV, I go over my mental checklist one more time.




Now I just need to remember to go over the speech I prepared to welcome everyone and kick things off.

Levi opens the doors for both Jade and me. I slip into the passenger’s seat while Jade climbs into the back. Once we’re all settled, Levi takes off and we’re on our way.

As we drive to Oak Terrace, I can't stop fidgeting with my hands. I know I should review my speech, but my nerves are getting the best of me. I take a deep breath and dig into my bag to pull out the notebook I brought, flipping to the page with my speech. I planned to welcome everyone and explain the format ofthe chess tournament. Although it is simple, I’m still panicking. Not to mention that sometimes when I’m in a car and not driving, I get nauseous.

As I start reading the words, I’m trying to keep my nerves in check and my gag reflex under control. I get through the first couple of lines and my attention is diverted to Levi when he speaks.


“Wait what?”

“There was a bump in the road, and I was warning you about it. Because I know you get nauseous sometimes in the car. Amplify that with everything else going on…”

“I swear on everything if you guys aren’t endgame, I'm going to lose my shit because that’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.”

“Jade!” I look back at her before I turn to Levi. “She’s right though and that is super sweet. Thank you.”

Levi shrugs. “I do what I can.”

I stare at him for a while longer before I go back to reading over my speech. As I scan over my words, I start to tweak and edit. A phrase here, a sentence there. I want it to sound natural, but also convey my point while appearing to be as excited as I can be. Jade pipes up from the back seat occasionally with suggestions and Levi helps by warning me when we’re about to hit a bump in the road.

By the time we pull up at Oak Terrace, I feel much better about my speech and about everything in general. Levi and Jade help carry everything inside while I confirm final details with Mrs. Rafferty. Once that is settled, we head into the main hall and make quick work of setting everything up.

The chessboards are arranged on tables and chairs are set up for the residents and guests; snacks and drinks are ready to go. Several members of the chess club have arrived to help out, and for the most part, I’m happy.

My nerves start to creep back up as I glance at the podium and microphone at the front of the room. Jade gives me an encouraging nod as she finishes placing informational flyers on a table by the door. Levi walks over and gives me a warm hug.

“You’re going to be amazing,” he says.

I snort. “I'll try. At least if I completely bomb, the chess tournament itself will hopefully make up for my terrible public speaking skills.”

Levi laughs. “Hey, don't sell yourself short. You're passionate about this event and about helping the community. That'll come through in your words.”

Just then, the double doors open, and the first few residents begin filing into the room. Mrs. Rafferty greets them with a big smile. I take a deep breath and smooth my hands over my dress, preparing to welcome everyone. Levi gives my arm one last reassuring squeeze before going to help Jade direct people to seats.

As more guests arrive, I find my dad near the back of the hall, and I make my way over to him. He's standing with who I assume is Angela, and they’re leaning toward one another as they speak quietly.