“He's resting now. Looks a lot better than when we first got here,” I reassure her. “I, uh, I'm going to head out for a bit. I want to go help Hailey with her big event and Dad said he was okay with me doing it.”
Mom's smile widens at the mention of Hailey's name. “Hailey… I’m glad she makes you happy. It’s wonderful seeing that for a change.”
“Yeah, she's… she's something else,” I admit. “Call me if anything changes, okay?”
“Of course, dear. You go see Hailey. We'll be fine here.”
“Okay, I’ll see you later.” I promise.
She stands up and gives me a huge hug that is reminiscent of some of the ones she used to give me when I was a kid. When we break apart, a small kiss from her lands on my cheek and she takes the opportunity to push a piece of hair out of my face.
With a final wave to my mom, I turn and leave the cafeteria. I leave the hospital behind, and as I’m walking through the parking lot, I reach for my phone before I pause.
Surprising her is so much more fun than showing up announced. The idea brings a grin to my face as I spot my SUV. After her supporting me throughout all of this, I’m glad that I can return the favor. But first, I have a couple of stops to makeand hope that I can do the things I need to do and get to her apartment before she leaves.
Why did I think this was a good idea?
Volunteering to organize a chess tournament at Oak Terrace seemed like a good idea at the time. But now I’m having other thoughts. The day of the event has arrived, and my nerves are completely shot. I’ve checked and re-checked everything at least fifteen times this morning to make sure that I have all of the things I need for today. All I have to do is wait for Jade and bring everything out to my car.
And finish the speech I need to make at this event.
I look up and watch as Jade leaves her room with a big smile on her face. She claps once and then says, “Let’s get this show on the road.”
“I really hope this goes well,” I say as I do one final check of the small prizes I bought for today.
“Are you kidding? The folks at Oak Terrace are going to love this,” Jade assures me as she grabs one of the bags I packed. “Getting to play chess, socialize, and win some fun prizes? It’s going to make their day.”
She’s right. I’ve put a lot of thought and effort into making this event fun and engaging for the seniors. Everything will go fine.
As Jade walks to the door, there’s a knock that causes both of us to jump. Jade opens it, freezes, and then looks over her shoulder at me. “I think this is for you.”
She steps out the way and opens the door and there I find Levi with a small bag from Brewed Beginnings.
“Need a hand?” His lips form a smile.
I drop all of the things in my hands and run toward him. Jade moves out of the way again as I launch myself at Levi. “What are you doing here?” My words fall out as if I stumbled down some stairs.
“Thought you could use some muscle.” He flexes playfully and I laugh, relieving some of the stress I’m feeling.
“How’s your dad doing?” I’m still confused about how he’s here right now.
“My dad's doing better, thanks for asking. In fact, he’s the one who encouraged me to come. But enough about that. Today is about you and bringing some joy to the residents at Oak Terrace. I'm happy to help in any way I can.”
It takes everything in me not to cry at his words. His willingness to jump in and assist me with no questions asked, makes tears well up in my eyes.
“Hey, no crying. We have to get going, right?” Levi wipes the tears that have fallen.
“Well in that case, these bags need loading into my car. Jade grabbed one already—” I gesture to where she stands grinning, holding up a tote bag.
“On it,” Levi says. He easily hefts two large bags up onto his shoulders. “Actually, wouldn’t it make sense for us to take my vehicle? I have more room and you both don’t have to worry about driving.”
I share a look with Jade and when she gives me a small nod, I say, “Yes that sounds like a great plan.”