“Fine. Make sure that I have the proper attire to wear to your games then.”
The grin returns to his face. “Yes, ma'am, but you're going to pay for all of this later. You have no idea how much it meant to see you here tonight.”
I'm stunned by his confession, but I'm happy he shared it with me. However, what did he mean by me paying for this later? “I didn't want to miss it. Being here for you is the only thing that mattered to me,” I tell him honestly.
Before I can ask him about his other comment, a look of relief washes over his face and he pulls me into a hug. I hate that the hug is brief, but it needs to be given where we are. As he steps back, he keeps one hand on my arm like he isn't quite ready to let go completely.
Our moment with one another in this crowded space is short-lived though. Levi looks away from me and I watch as his posture stiffens immediately. Based on where we are and his reaction, I can guess who is behind me without turning around.
“Good game tonight,” a voice says behind me, prompting me to pivot and come face-to-face with a man who is unmistakably an older version of Levi. His features are sharper, more defined than his son's. His hair, once likely the same rich brown as Levi's, has faded to silver at the temples and is slicked back. They both have similar blue eyes but his have an icy undertone that Levi's warmer gaze lacks. His height and broad shoulders remind me of Levi's athletic build, yet I would best describe himas having a stick up his ass versus his son’s relaxed posture. That is, until his father showed up.
“Thanks, Dad,” Levi replies. I watch as Levi's jaw clenches tightly and it's taking everything in my power not to drag him away from whatever this is about to become. It isn't lost on me that his father didn't try to introduce himself to me and neither did Levi.
“You've still got work to do on your defensive positioning in the neutral zone. And your breakouts were sloppy at times,” Mr. Jamison states.
Levi takes a slow breath before responding. “I appreciate the feedback. My defensive play is something I'm focusing on improving.”
His father gives a curt nod. “See that you do. Can't have the captain slacking off.”
I resist the urge to jump to Levi's defense. This is his battle to fight, and I need to remember that. After all, like Emily said, I don't need to fix his problems, but I can be there to offer support.
“I know you want what's best for me and the team. But I need you to trust that I'm putting in the work. I'll keep improving, but I can't let your criticism shake my confidence either. I know my capabilities. What you don't realize is that I'm not Caleb and I'm never going to be him.”
I hold my breath as Levi stands up to his father. I can only imagine how difficult this is for him. Mr. Jamison's eyes narrow slightly at Levi's words, and he crosses his arms over his chest.
“You're right, you're not your brother,” Mr. Jamison says after a tense pause. “But that doesn't mean I'm going to lower my expectations of you. You have potential, and I want to see you reach it.”
Levi shakes his head. “I know you do. But you need to back off.”
“All I'm asking you to be is the best version of yourself. And sometimes, that means pushing you harder than you might like.”
Levi shakes his head. “But at what cost? I'm out there on the ice, giving it my all, not for me, but for an idea of what you think I should be. It's exhausting and I feel like I'm always falling short.”
There's a shift in Mr. Jamison's stance. “I'll think about what you've said.”
I get the feeling this isn't enough for Levi, but based on what Levi has told me, this might be the first step forward they've ever had.
“Okay.” Levi doesn't elaborate further, choosing to hold back even though I can see that there is more he wants to say.
Mr. Jamison leans forward and puts his hand on Levi's shoulder for a moment before his eyes land on me. He gives me a swift nod before turning on his heel and walking away. We're left watching him leave until Levi lets out the deepest exhale, forcing my attention toward him.
“Let's get out of here,” Levi says as he finds my hand and grabs it.
“That's fine… but what about Jade? She and I arrived together.”
“Text her and let her know I'm going to take you home. She's with Wilder anyway so she's fine. You need to pay up, Rook.”
There has been no doubt in my mind that it would all come down to this.
I squeeze Hailey's hand before letting it go and having it join my other hand on the steering wheel. As I drive down the mostly deserted road, the lights of the arena have long faded from my rearview mirror, but the confrontation with my father is still in the front of my mind.
Enough was enough for a while and it was about time I'd stood up to him. What I hadn't expected to happen was that Hailey would be there when I did.
“I'm sorry you had to see that,” I murmur, breaking the silence between us. It isn't something I wanted her to witness. Part of me wants to look over at her, but it would be hard to read the expression on her face given how dark it is.