Page 79 of Sidelined Love

I don't know how long I've been reading for, but the piercing sound of my phone ringing brings me back to reality. My phone is in the other room, and I'm too lazy to get up and check it. Chances are the call is spam anyway.

But when the ringing stops and quickly starts back up again, I toss the idea out the window. Someone is obviously trying to get in touch with me and I'm not sure why.

My heart jumps into my throat because the first thing that comes to mind is that it's about my dad and there is some sort of emergency.

I scramble to my feet, allowing the blanket to slip from my shoulders as I rush to where my phone is charging in my bedroom. The screen lights up with Levi's name as I reach for it, confusing me. Why would Levi be calling me now? Isn't he still at the game?

“Hello?” My voice betrays that I'm breathless from having sprinted into my bedroom.

“Hailey, it's Asher.” The words come out in a rush as if he doesn't have much time to complete this task. What the hell is he doing calling me from Levi's phone?

My heart slams harder against my ribcage. “What's wrong? Is Levi okay?”

“He's… It's hard to explain over the phone,” Asher says after a moment. “He needs you.”

“I think you've got this all wrong. If he's hurt, you need to call nine-one-one,” my voice trails off because I'm not processing any of this.

“He's not hurting in the way you think, but I—and him too, to a certain extent—know that he needs you.”

The urgency in his voice acts like a shot of adrenaline to my brain. I forget all about the warmth of my apartment, my comfort in being alone, my book and hot chocolate.

“Where are you?” I ask as I'm grabbing my house and car keys and wallet from my desk. I'll have time to examine why I'm even leaving the house to do this later.

“At my place. I'll text the address to you. Please get here as soon as you can. Please.”

I end the call without another word and jam my feet into a pair of old sneakers, and as I do, I receive a text message from Levi's phone. With Asher's address in hand. I walk into the living area and pick up the coat that I'd thrown over a chair. My eyes land on the book I'd been reading, now almost forgotten on the couch. I'll get back to it later.

I leave my apartment and my fingers tighten around my keys as I make my way down the stairs. It isn't because of a safety issue, but more because it gives me something to do with my hands.

The night air hits my exposed skin as I step outside. It's colder than when I'd returned home earlier, and for a moment, I question whether I should've grabbed a thicker coat. But I don't have time to go back now. Plus, I'm going to be driving over there so I'll be in a warm car soon enough.

When I reach my vehicle, I slip into the driver's seat and start the engine, taking a few deep breaths to try to calm myself down before I drive off. It doesn't help much, but I appreciate that I tried to tame my racing heart. I pull out of my parking spot and the drive to Asher’s is a blur. My focus is on what could have happened that caused Levi to need me desperately.

What I might find could change the way Levi and I see each other forever. This is supposed to be an exclusive situationship but whatever this is, hadn't been included in the unwritten rules.

When I finally park down the street from Asher's place, I realize he lives in the typical home that owners rent out to college students. I barely give the houses nearby a second glance as I leave my car and quickly walk up to the house number Asher sent to me. I ring the doorbell and it's answered by Asher himself.

“Thanks for coming,” he mumbles, closing the door behind me.

I nod stiffly, trying to avoid the awkwardness I feel about this whole situation. “Where's Levi?”

He leads me through a cluttered hallway lined with sports gear and equipment. We make our way into a small but cozy living room, where Levi is slumped over on a well-worn couch.

Levi looks up as we enter, his blue eyes hazy but they immediately lock onto mine. His hair is disheveled, his hoodie looks wrinkled and is hanging off one shoulder. I'm not sure what to think about the sight in front of me outside of him looking worse than he did when I saw him for the first time at Brewed Beginnings.

“Hey,” he says, his voice hoarse as if it takes a lot of effort to speak.

I quickly cross to him, crouching down to get a better look at him. “What happened?” I demand softly, reaching out to gently adjust his sweater.

“He had a bit too much to drink after the game,” Asher explains from somewhere behind me. “Wanted to blow off some steam.”

I turn to glance at Asher questioningly, searching for something unsaid in his wary gaze. But before I can press formore details, Levi’s hand finds mine. His touch brings a sense of comfort and I hope my being here does the same for him.

“Do you want me to take you back to your place?” I ask quietly.

Levi nods, but he hesitates slightly, making me wonder if he can actually make it to my car and not suffer too much on the ride home.

“Are you going to be sick?”