Page 72 of Sidelined Love

Jade jumps into action, assisting her grandmother with the refreshments. Taking a glass of lemonade, I thank Mrs. Samuels. I'm touched by her thoughtfulness as I settle down onto her couch.

Once we eat the snacks that we wanted, Jade speaks. “Hailey's the one that is organizing a big chess event here, Gran,” she says. “You mentioned that you couldn't wait to participate.”

Mrs. Samuels' eyes light up. “That's right. I'm so excited about it!” She settles back into the armchair across from us, smoothing the navy slacks she has on. “Tell me about this event, dear. I'd love to hear more and only know the basics.”

I explain the details, how we plan to have residents play against chess club members from the university as well as each other. “It's meant to be a fun social activity; a chance to engage with the students too,” I say.

“A wonderful idea. You can certainly count me in. I played with your grandfather when he was still here, Jade.” The pause gives Mrs. Samuels a moment to share a sad smile with her granddaughter. “With my chess skills, I'll show those students a thing or two!”

We all laugh, and I have no doubt that she can teach me some new tips and tricks.

“I am certain you'll be a challenging opponent,” I say. “I'm looking forward to seeing your skills in action.”

“Just you wait, young lady. I may be old, but my mind is still sharp as a tack,” Mrs. Samuels assures me.

The conversation flows naturally as Mrs. Samuels asks more about my goals and interests, and Jade gets to fill her grandmother in on the latest things that are going on with her life. I find myself opening up more than I expected, sharing things I normally keep private.

As we get ready to go, Mrs. Samuels' positive words have given me a much-needed boost of confidence for the chess tournament and my ability to make everything run smoothly. Mrs. Samuels walks us to the door, where she gives both of us hugs, and soon we are walking back down to my car.

Jade and I are quietly talking when my ringtone goes off. I pull my phone out of my bag to see a new text from Levi.

Levi: Hey, still up for coming over to play chess tomorrow?

“Everything okay?” Jade asks, noticing the change in my expression.

“Yeah, it's a text from Levi about getting together to play chess tomorrow. I’m just surprised he's texting me now because I think he's preparing for a hockey game,” I say nonchalantly.

Jade grins. “Wait, that isn't the usual day you have your lessons. Is this a date?”

I roll my eyes but can't help the butterflies in my stomach at the thought. “It's not a date. We're just hanging out.”

“Mm-hmm, sure,” Jade says in a singsong voice. “As I said earlier, it’s as if you need to keep repeating yourself in order for you to believe it.”

I roll my eyes again. “I told you, it's not a date.”

“Call it what you want. As long as you go over there.”

“Fine. I'll go. You don't have to tell me twice.” She didn't have to tell me at all because there was no way I was missing this.

Jade grins. “Excellent and remember to give me all the juicy details after.”

I laugh as we reach my car. There's no way I'm doing that. “You're the worst.”

“I've been called worse, so I don't care,” Jade says as she gets in the passenger seat.

I shake my head, unable to keep a small smile off my face as I start the car. Before I pull away, I send Levi a reply.

Me: Chess at your place sounds good. See you tomorrow evening and good luck today.

I read it over one final time before gathering the courage to press send. The weight of my decision hangs heavy in my mind as I tap the phone screen. I don't know where any of this is going to lead, but I guess I'm trying something new. That is the point of all of this, right?



The next evening when the elevator doors slide open, I step into the sleek metal box and take a deep breath. Moments ago I'd arrived at Levi's apartment, and I'm not prepared for anything that might happen tonight. I suck in another deep breath even though I'm not exerting a large amount of energy. I can only assume it's the excitement getting to me, though I would never admit it out loud. If it's anything like what happened the last time I was here, I'm one hundred percent down.

It's only a chess game, Hailey. Calm the fuck down.