“Hey, Jade!” Wilder greets her before waving at me. I am not sure if he remembers my name or not, and I’m not offended about it. I prefer it this way because it draws less attention to me.
He turns his attention back to Jade, whose face lights up. “Wilder! I didn't expect to see you here.”
“I decided to do takeout and came here.”
All three of us chat for a couple of minutes, and when the discussion shifts to hockey, it takes everything in me not to squirm. For obvious reasons, whenever hockey is mentioned, I think of Levi.
Abruptly, Wilder's attention shifts to his phone, which I hear vibrating in his pocket. He glances at the screen, and then nods.
“I should go grab my food. It has been good seeing both of you.”
“Likewise,” I reply.
He and Jade share a smile before he nods at both of us and walks up to the front counter. Jade and I remain silent as we watch Wilder grab his food and walk out of Marco’s.
I get ready to say something about their interaction before Jade interrupts me.
“You’re done right?” She claps her hands together. “Let’s get the check so that we can go party!”
“This is such a bad idea.”
Although I can’t see her face, I can feel Jade rolling her eyes at my statement. After all, it is the fifteenth time I've said those words since we left her room.
The moment I step into the off-campus house, I want to go back home and do literally anything else. I immediately regret agreeing to this, but for some reason, I can’t tell Jade no. So I’m here at a college party because it is her idea of fun, and she thinks I need to let loose.
As I navigate through the living room turned dance floor, the bass pounds in my chest like a hammer. I try to keep up with Jade as I push past a cluster of laughing students. If I’m being honest with myself, I feel like an outsider even though here it’s kind of hard to be. The room is a circus of students caught up in themselves and lost in the buzz of alcohol.
I wish I had said no.
My inner voice is drowned out by the thumping beat that surrounds me. I've never felt at home at these wild college parties. To me, they're nothing but a noisy pit of chaos and a waste of time when there is never enough time in the day. I don’tjudge anyone who loves attending parties, but it just isn’t my scene.
Just as I consider making a quick escape, a guy in a fraternity sweatshirt barrels into me. His drink sloshes over the rim of his red Solo cup and I just manage to miss getting soaked in beer. However, the beer that has fallen on my hand needs to be cleaned up as soon as possible.
“Watch it!” I snap, the annoyance evident in my voice.
He barely acknowledges the near collision. I hear something fall from his lips—perhaps mumbling an apology—before he vanishes into the crowd. With a roll of my eyes and a sigh, I make my way toward the kitchen, hoping to salvage what's left of my dignity and get this beer off me with some paper towels.
Somehow, Jade hears my outburst over the loud music because she turns around with a confused look on her face. “Are you alright?”
I nod. “Some asshole almost soaked me in beer, but I’m okay. I did get some on my hand though so I’m hoping to wipe it off.”
Jade rolls her eyes. “How hard is it to be a decent person in this world?”
“I ask myself the same question daily. I’m going to find the kitchen and I’ll catch up with you.”
“Are you sure?”
I nod once more. “Yes, because it’ll only take me a second. I’ll catch up with you. Don’t leave without me.”
Jade squeezes my non-wet hand before I walk away and try to find the kitchen. As I find a hallway, I pass a couple practically devouring each other's faces, almost blocking the doorway. I shove myself past them and I hope the minor inconvenience that I caused by pushing them ruined their night. Is that rude? Sure, but I'm feeling a little petty so it's whatever.
In the kitchen, there are several guys and girls taking shots and cheering. They are standing near the sink, so I changedirections to grab some paper towels and wipe my hand. While it would have been nice to actually wash my hands, I don’t want to bring attention to myself.
I toss the paper towels in the trash just as I’m planning my escape route back to Jade. I hope she is somewhere near where I left her in the living room or else it will be hell trying to find her. I turn to leave the kitchen when the noises surrounding me dips. It feels like the universe is deciding now is the time to turn things down a notch, giving me some space to breathe.