Leaning against the cool tile, I close my eyes and try to catch my breath. After a moment, I push myself from the wall, removing the haze from what just happened from my brain. I finish up my shower, scrubbing away the last of the soap and the tiles that ended up being on the receiving end of my load. I turn off the water and reach for my towel.
Wrapping it around my waist, I step out onto the bathmat. As I wipe the fog off the mirror with my hand, I catch my reflection, but I barely see myself. Despite my orgasm, Hailey's image is still in my mind, almost taunting in a way. I shake my head, as if physically trying to rid myself of the distraction she's become, but I'm lying to myself.
I make my way back into the bedroom and I start by tossing aside piles of clothes—some clean, some that will end up in the laundry basket that was already overflowing—until I find a pair of boxers, sweatpants, and a t-shirt.
I put my clothes on and walk straight for the kitchen. I grab a glass to pour my orange juice in and open the fridge. I decide on a quick breakfast sandwich, with the plan to find something else to eat if that isn't filling enough.
After I get the eggs sizzling in the pan and the bacon is cooking in the oven, my phone makes a sound, alerting me that I've received a text message. Although the urge to pick up my phone is there, I decide to finish cooking my breakfast sandwich first before checking it. There's a chance I might get distracted,and burning my food or my apartment down isn't exactly in the cards for today.
During the time I'm preparing breakfast, my ringtone plays several more times. The only reason I don’t think it is an emergency is because whoever it is didn't try to call me too.
Once I proudly assemble my sandwich, the golden egg yolk sitting perfectly atop the crispy bacon and cheese in between a bagel, I finally give in to my curiosity. I wipe my hands on a paper towel and grab my phone from where I'd plugged it in the night before in my living room. I sit down on my couch and watch as my phone's screen lights up with a barrage of notifications, but it's the texts from Wilder to our hockey group chat that force me to raise an eyebrow.
Group Chat: Ice Kings
Wilder: Hey, Cap! You up yet?
Wilder: You can't still be sleeping now. You're wasting daylight.
There is an assortment of emoji included with the text messages and I shake my head.
Knox: There's nothing wrong with sleeping in, especially on a Saturday. Stop blowing up our phones.
Wilder: Then mute me, dude.
Knox: Don't tempt me with a good time.
Asher: I just want to know what all of this is about.
Wilder: Guess who I bumped into this morning?
Knox: Our campus is huge. It could be anyone.
Wilder: Fine, I'll put you out of your misery. Hailey, the barista from Brewed Beginnings.
I briefly see red.How the hell did he end up with her?
Blaise: Wait, isn’t that the girl Asher said Levi's been low-key obsessing over?
I swear that is the most words I've ever seen Blaise type in one of our chats. It is time to put an end to my silence.
Me: Obsessing? Seriously, Blaise?
Blaise: Don't shoot the messenger.
Asher: Told you he has it bad. How did this all happen?
Wilder: Apparently, she's besties with Jade, and they were doing this scavenger hunt thing around campus. Got to spend some time chatting with her.
I wait for him to continue typing or for anyone else to send a message, but no one does. I know what they are waiting for me to do, and I hate that I'm about to give into it, but I want to know.
Me: Well… what did she say?
Wilder: I knew you would want to know. She was chill and we talked mostly about the hunt, but I did find out she is the current president of Crestwood's chess club.
Chess? That's interesting. I take a bite of my sandwich and wonder what I can do with that information.
I'm no stranger to the world of chess. My grandfather taught me how to play when Caleb and I were children, but it's been quite a while since I have played. Hockey consumes the majority of my time and doesn't leave much room for anything else.