Page 101 of Sidelined Love

“I love you so damn much.”

“And I love you.”

With that, our lips meet again, and I know that, without a doubt, no matter what troubles we face, we’ll make it through.




Five Years Later

The moment Levi parks his SUV in the parking lot, it's like stepping into a time machine. I can’t believe we are back on Crestwood’s campus where it all began.

“Feels like eons ago, doesn't it?” I say, glancing over at Levi.

His confident stride hasn't changed a bit and I wonder if that came with all of the things he’s accomplished over the years. He’d been drafted by the NHL right after graduation, a dream come true for him. His success on the ice has only grown from there and I’m happy to be along for the ride. My job as an environmental consultant allows me the flexibility to travel so I do attend more hockey games than I would have thought possible, especially as someone who disliked sports only a few short years ago.

But all of that fades to the side as I watch Levi take in the fact that we are back on our college campus. It’s clear the place still holds a piece of his heart.

“Come on, slowpoke,” Levi teases. “Brewed Beginnings is waiting for us.”

“Calm down. It’s not going to close on us,” I say as we walk toward the coffee shop where I used to work and where we first met.

Hand in hand, we make our way into the coffee shop. Though it's been years since I’ve been here, Brewed Beginnings looks just as I remember. It still has its rustic charm with the exposed wooden beams and the local art is still on the walls.

“Hello and welcome to Brewed Beginnings!” the barista greets us cheerfully. “What can I get started for you?”

Levi orders an Americano while I choose a chai tea latte with almond milk and a brownie. As we wait for our drinks, we find a table by the window, the same table where we used to meet and play chess at.

“Remember how we used to come here when you got me toteachyou how to play chess?” I ask Levi.

He grins. “Of course. It is the best idea I’ve ever had.”

“Oh come on. You don’t have to kiss my ass now. We’re already together.”

That makes Levi chuckle. “First off, I do like kissing your ass. And it is the best idea I’ve ever had. You’ve changed my life for the better, Rook.”

His compliment and use of the nickname he gave me warms me from the inside out. Him still being able to do this to me after the years we’ve been together makes me fall even more in love with him.

Before I can respond, the barista calls Levi’s name and he stands up to get the items we ordered. While he’s away, I take the time to scan the shop, noting some of the changes that have happened in the years since I’ve been gone. My observations are interrupted when Levi returns, placing our drinks on the table we decided to occupy.

Levi slides into the chair opposite mine and pushes the steaming chai latte and brownie toward me. “I can’t believe it’s been five years since graduation. It’s still weird to think about.”

I wrap my hands around the to-go cup. “It's like no time has passed at all,” I reply, taking a sip. When I take a bite of the brownie, I nearly groan. It’s still as good as I remember it.

Levi reaches across the table, capturing my free hand. “I think it's about time to add a new memory to this place,” he says softly.

“Wait what?” I ask, confused about what he could be talking about.

My heart does a somersault in my chest as he stands up and walks over to me. The chatter around us fades to black as he gets down on one knee right beside our table. When he reaches into his jacket pocket, I swear my world tips upside down and I find myself holding my breath.

“Hailey Reed,” Levi starts, his voice steady despite his hand trembling. “From us meeting for the first time here to you teaching me chess—which was just a ploy to spend more time with you—to supporting me through every win and loss, both on and off the ice, you've been my rock, my confidante, my best friend. I couldn’t ask for anyone more perfect for me than you.” He pulls out a small velvet box and opens it to reveal a simple but stunning princess-cut diamond ring that catches the light in the most beautiful way.

My hands shoot up to my face, covering my mouth which dropped open. I can feel eyes on us now, but I don’t care. The only thing that matters is the man in front of me, who has dropped to his knee to ask me one of the most important questions I will ever hear in my life.

“Will you make me the happiest man alive and agree to be my partner for life? Will you marry me?”