“It was all a team effort,” I reply with a grin because it’s true. It truly was and I couldn't be prouder of how we did.
I remove my gear and take a few minutes to catch my breath. The evening winds down as the interviews with local and national media outlets conclude. While I don't mind the actual act of being interviewed, having to answer the same questions over and over again becomes repetitive after a while.
Once that is done, I'm finally able to be back with the team. I listen to Coach Johnson's wrap up of our performance before hitting the showers. Later, while exiting the arena in street clothes with my duffel bag slung over my shoulder, I spot my parents waiting outside with fans that want to see us leave.
This confrontation is something I should have anticipated after seeing them in the stands tonight, but I didn't. While I wishI could just walk away from them, I know it isn't the right way to go about this, especially since my mother hasn't done anything wrong.
Taking in a deep breath, I make my way over to where they're standing. I can see my mother's eyes light up, her smile warm and genuine. My father, however, has an all-too-familiar look on his face and I know he's about to dissect my performance.
“Great game tonight, honey!” my mother exclaims as she pulls me into a tight hug. I return the embrace.
“Thanks, Mom,” I say.
My father clears his throat, and I turn to face him.
“You did alright,” he offers with a small nod. “But there were moments where your focus obviously wasn’t there.”
“Dad, please. Can we just be happy about tonight? We won the game and that’s what matters right now.”
My father pauses, looking taken aback by my interruption even though he should have been expecting it. I usually stop him before he can do too much damage with his words, but that doesn’t mean the anticipation of being criticized doesn’t cut me up inside.
“But you know there’s always room for improvement and we should discuss this while it’s still fresh,” he says.
“I know, Dad. I just… not tonight.”
“Very well,” he says, but I know this is only a temporary truce. “We can talk strategy some other time. Maybe I'll call you tomorrow?”
As if I don't already have a coach, teammates, and other staffers that I can talk strategy with. But at least he isn't going to say another word about it tonight. At least I can be happy about that. Small talk between my mother and me is what fills the silence until we reach my car. We say our goodbyes and I promise to call Mom later in the week.
A curt nod is all I get from my father.
After they walk away, I sit in my car for a moment before I snatch my phone from my pocket. I stare at Hailey's number for a moment before my fingers fly across the screen. I'd been sitting on information about my schedule since this morning and now is the perfect time to let her know.
I need a little pick-me-up, and sending her a text is the perfect way to do it.
Once I read over my message, I press send and toss my phone into the passenger's seat. The further away it is from me, the less likely I will have the urge to check it while I'm driving home.
Now, I only have to wait for her response.
With a deep sigh, I unlock the door to the small on-campus apartment I share with Jade. The quietness that greets me is surprising, but I know it won’t last too long because I have no doubt in my mind that Jade is home.
Our small living area is a mixture of both of our tastes. Jade has a love for color whereas I love keeping things simple and minimalistic to a certain extent. The thought of sinking into our gray couch filled with a bunch of different colored cushions is calling to me, but I know as soon as Jade sees me, that pipe dream will be over.
Instead, I walk over to Jade’s room and find her door slightly open. I push it further and am greeted with a burst of color and energy as I find her sitting in a pile of clothes. She tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear and looks up at me. I shake my head at the big grin she gives me.
“About time you got home. You need to start getting ready!”
I bite back the sigh I know is coming. I wish I could forget about the party, but Jade has been reminding me nonstop about it through text messages for the last couple of hours, making it impossible for it to not be at the front of my mind. “I guess I do.”
“It's gonna be epic!” Jade continues, rifling through the clothes on the floor. “We can drink, dance, and who knows who’s going to be out there tonight. Hell, maybe you’ll get some dick.”
I narrow my gaze at her but don’t say a word.
A sly grin forms on Jade’s lips. “I’m kidding… unless that’s something you actually want to do. I hope you’re excited.”