Page 61 of Bounty Hunter

Why hadn’t he chosen something lessbad, like, I don’t know, smuggling or theft or something? Now all the fae women are infatuated, and the men look eager to talk business. If they find out we’re lying, we’re as good as dead. Well, I’m safe. But Ikar would be dead. Fae don’t forgive.

I stand abruptly, attempting to pull him up by the elbow. “Time to go.”

He just sits and gives me a lazy smile that steals all the breath from my lungs. He is a scoundrel. And playing the part of criminal a bittoowell this evening.

Mama Tina rises, comes up beside me, and leans in, saying in her not-so-quiet-voice, “You’ve always had a thing for the bad boys, just like your Mama Tina.” She pushes my shoulders gently down, and I sit. She winks before she walks toward the kitchen, calling over her shoulder, “I’ll send dessert for everyone but Vera… since she already has some.” She laughs as she turns the corner, and Ikar grins. My face grows hot. I am positive that the situation can’t get any worse. Then Drade stands and rests fisted knuckles on the table, towering over us. Renna warily shrinks back in her chair beside him.

“I call your bluff.” His deadly glare is centered on Ikar. Once again, the table goes silent.

“Go ahead.” Ikar smirks.

My eyes jump between them, and I put a hand on Ikar’s shoulder in warning, which he seems to promptly ignore. What has gotten into him?

“You’re no criminal. And how do I know?”

“I’m sure you’ll tell us,” Ikar says lazily, but I can see his shoulders stiffen and a glint of warning cross his eyes.

“Youbondedwith her.” He speaks through his teeth, anger forcing the glamour hiding his fangs to disappear. He looks ready to jump the table and tackle Ikar.

“What about it?”

“Vera would never allow herself to be bonded, especially by a criminal.”

My heart pangs a bit, seeing the hurt behind his anger. But it never would have worked between us, I told him as much the last time I was here. Wait, did he say Ikar bonded with me? I lift my wrist with the glowing mate bond circle.

“Drade, it’s just a temporary mate bond.” I stand and attempt to show him my wrist and then realize I just admitted at a table full of fae that I mate bonded with my criminal. Whispers rush across the table like a wave, and my cheeks burn. And why does Mama Tina look soproud? I huff out a breath.

“I’m easy to love.” Ikar shrugs, too carelessly. I glimpse a hint of challenge in his eyes right before Drade jumps the table and tackles him. His delicate chair shatters with their combined weight, and they both land on the floor, Ikar pinned beneath Drade’s hands.

Drade grips Ikar’s forearm, tighter and tighter, expecting a shatter. Ikar jumps on the moment, head slamming Drade’s forehead, dazing him enough that Ikar is able to gain the upper hand, pulling him up and over and slamming him into the floor above him. He rolls and comes to standing as Drade does the same. They take defensive positions before they lunge at the same time, struggling between each other’s weight for a moment, then crash out the window beside them.

I gasp in horror and run to the now shattered stained glass.

Mama Tina re-enters the room, hips swaying. “What excitement we have tonight.”

“Do something please,” I practically beg.

“They’re two jealous, virile young men. Drade has challenged him. Let them fight it out. Whoever wins will be your match.”

No. No, no, no. “Those are fae rules, notmyrules. And what about my say in the matter?” In reality, I can have neither of them. I head toward the door, but Mama Tina firmly wraps her wing around me, guiding me back in the direction of the banquet room and the guests still seated there.

“You are onfaeland and will obeyfaerules, just as you always have.”

I sit like a frustrated child.

“We are going to sit and enjoy our meal, m’dear. They’ll probably be just fine.” She sweeps gracefully into her seat.

“Probably?” My voice has a high-pitched, panicked quality to it. My criminal just somehow entered a match challenge with a very past ex fae boyfriend, who happens to also be one of the low kings. I kinda like Ikar, even if he is unavailable to me, and I don’t want Drade hurt either. He may look moody and dark, but he has a kind heart.

I tap a finger against the table as I gag a few bites of the spongey plant down my throat, waiting.

Hours pass, and guests leave until Mama Tina’s house grows quiet. Neither Ikar nor Drade return. Renna smothers a yawn, she’s the only one who remains at the table with me now. I have wound and unwound my hair around my finger so many times it’s halfway to a dreadlock. Finally, after attempting to convince me to head to bed and me refusing, even Renna leaves, giving my shoulder a gently squeeze and bidding me a quietgoodnight.

In the early morning hours, I finally climb the stairs wearily to my bedroom. Ikar is the most resourceful, resilient person I know. Drade is, or at leastwas,the strongest. But Ikar’s magic is blocked. My nerves feel like sparking wires along my spine.They wouldn’t kill each other.I hope.

Chapter 42
