I feel the blush in my cheeks when I yank my eyes up to his. The gentle smirk on his lips doesn’t match the intensity in his eyes. I offer no compliment, assuming my blush speaks for me. Instead, I quickly walk toward the stairs attempting to gather enough moisture to wet my dry mouth. This feels too much like a date. It’s not a date. Neither of us speaks as we make our way down the stairs, but goosebumps spread across my skin when Ikar’s fingers graze my back as I make my way unsteadily down, darn these heels. The awareness between us as we make our way is heady and distracting, and it doesn’t help my balance. And what is that incredible smell on him? Mama Tina must have given him some type of fae cologne. She plays dirty.
I’m not surprised when we enter the party to see the room almost filled with fae. I don’t think Mama Tina knows what asmallget together actually looks like. With effort, I create a little distance between us, resisting winding my arm through his. I shouldn’t act like he’s mine, but I stay near him as we mingle with other guests amidst the low thrum of conversation and clinking glasses. It only makes sense with the wholehe’s a criminalstory. Can’t very well leave him wandering alone to be accosted by the like-minded fae. Mama Tina’s silent approval has spread to the rest of her guests. I can tell by the smiles and greetings we receive, but rather than put me at ease, it puts me on edge.
We wander our way through the room. Here and there, I’m greeted by familiar friends and people I know from my teen years, and Ikar politely smiles, perfectly mannered. Then I see Drade across the room, and I pause. His dark eyes meet mine in a magnetic lock and practically sizzle as he heads in my direction. I bite my lip. It has been years since I’ve seen him, since I broke things off. He’s still as darkly handsome as ever. A genuine smile graces my face as he approaches. Even though it hadn’t felt right to stay in a relationship with him, I still love him, in a platonic way. Behind all the broody orneriness, that is. He smoothly grabs my hand and brings it to his lips as he looks into my eyes, and it feels like we step into the past.
“You are the image of everlasting beauty this evening, Vera.”
A hot blush heats my cheeks. I feel, rather than see, Ikar stiffen beside me, which slams my very high heels back to reality. He snorts and then weakly attempts to cover it with a cough. I’ve had about enough of his half-laughs. What happened to his very respectable and perfect manners? I give him awhat the blazeslook, then look back at Drade. The twomen have some sort of silent challenge right in front of me, and the tension winds so tight I think we might burst into flames here in the room. I pull my hand from Drade’s and step back to form more of a circle between the three of us.
Drade directs his gaze to Ikar. “To what do we owe thepleasureof your company?” His tone is bored, but I see venom in his eyes as he gauges the possessive way Ikar steps closer to my right shoulder.
I immediately jump in. “I’ve arrested him. I had to stop here on an errand, and he has been forced to tag along.”
“A bounty?” Drade’s smirk grows as Ikar’s eyes turn dark as a midnight pool of water.
My gaze jumps between them, confused by the growing tension.
I can see mocking entertainment in Drade’s eyes. Ikar’s eyes stay dark, and he is still as stone.
I finally speak up, not liking the way I have been reduced to a third wheel in some type of confusing, unspoken argument between two men who have just met each other. The drama. I roll my eyes.
“Looks like it’s time to take our seats for dinner.” I smile and grab Ikar’s bicep, hoping he’ll budge when I pull, since I know if he doesn’t want to move, there is no way I can make him. I breathe in relief as he and Drade break their silent glare war, and he walks beside me to the dining room. His hand, simultaneously respectful and possessive, hovers just above the bare skin of my back. I can’t handle his nearness without melting into a puddle of navy dress, so I take a step away, though I can’t stop myself from quickly glancing his way. A knowing look at how he affects me touches his eyes, and the hint of a pleased smile twitches about his lips, but he drops his hand and makes no move to step closer.
“What was that all about?” I hiss, looking over his shoulder in Drade’s direction. “Do you realize he’s the low king of the fae?” I want to punch him in the arm, but it won’t hurt him. I’ve tried it before.
“What’s he going to do?Arrest me?” The cocky grin on his lips has me swinging between flustered and irritated.
“Yes. Behave yourself.” It’s all I have to time to spit out before we’ve arrived at the table, and I plaster a pleasant smile back onto my face. I’m left wondering what has gotten into him.
We find our places clearly marked, and I’m happy to find that Renna’s placecard is directly across from mine. Now is as good a time as any to introduce my best friend to my criminal.
“Ikar, this is Renna, my closest friend. Basically my sister.”
Ikar inclines his head and offers a dashing smile. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
Renna blushes prettily, and I rush ahead. “Renna, this is Ikar. My—er, the criminal I arrested.”
Her eyes look between us knowingly, but she merely smiles and offers a perfectly polite reply. “Nice to meet you. I’m glad you both made it here safely.”
Mama Tina raises a glass to call the rest of the guests to the table, and people begin to fill the seats around us. Ikar pulls out my chair, his respectable and perfect manners back in place, and helps me scoot closer to the table before taking his own seat beside me. Drade sits silently beside Renna and watches us from his seat across the table moodily while Renna appears somewhat apprehensive about her broody dinner companion.
Dinner is served, some type of bird, insects I don’t know the name of, and a plant of some sort. One thing I don’t miss—fae food. I gulp. It is the height of rudeness to leave food on your plate in this kingdom, so this entire thing is going down tonight.I glance up to find Renna looking a little green and I give her an encouraging smile. She’s not used to the fae food like I am.
Ikar acts like it’s a regular mouth-watering feast. He snaps his napkin out and lays it across his lap, practiced. He smiles handsomely at Mama Tina and one of her friends who chats with him across the table, eating ever so properly and without gagging even once. Impressive.
I watch him, fascinated by this side of him I’ve never observed. I’ve grown used to my criminal wearing a growing beard, clothing fit for a journey such as ours. Now, he becomes intimidating to me. His clean shaven face reveals his strong jaw, the cut of his suit seems tailor made to emphasize his muscular physique. His movements are smooth, confident, controlled. His hair has grown longer, but his perfectly mussed style has only improved, a light curl broken free at the front, lending the perfect touch of imperfection to his appearance. He smiles handsomely, his blue eyes deep and mysterious. Honest and true soldier, lying criminal, violent mercenary, or a dangerously seductive combination of all three?
Mama Tina is enjoying him entirely too much, as am I. I’m startled when my gaze catches on Drade. He looks intensely into my eyes, tilting his head to the side, a touch too intent. Questioning, even. He speaks up, his voice deep and rich. “What were you arrested for?”
The table goes silent, but Mama Tina leans forward almost eagerly, her hands clasped beneath her chin. “Yes, do share.”
My eyes dart to Ikar. We haven’t discussed this. I hadn’t expected the topic to come up at adinner party.
He wipes his mouth carefully with a napkin before he leans back, grabs his wine glass, and swishes the liquid inside. He takes a slow drink and sets it down but doesn’t release the stem. “Magic siphoning.”
Everyone gasps. Admiration shines brightly in Mama Tina’s eyes. “I’ll pay three times as much as the person awarding the bounty.”
I barely hold back an eye roll. This is getting out of hand.