Page 109 of All My Broken Pieces

Reaching into my pocket, I push to my feet, coming to kneel beside her on one knee. Fallon slowly turns to me, setting her phone down, her hand shakes as she covers her mouth. I smile up at her, swallowing the lump in my throat.

“I told you once that the next wedding we would be at would be ours. You might not have understood me at the time, but that didn’t make my promise any less true.” Fallon sniffles, a tear slipping down her cheek. Lifting my hand, I gently swipe it away, lingering my touch before moving to open the ring box in my hand. “Cada día me enamoro más de ti.” I whisper, closing my eyes and reciting the words I know she read on the screen. The ones I had managed to get her favorite author to post and tag her for me. “Tu me completas, mi vida. Cada momento que he pasado contigo es un sueño. Quiero pasar el resto de la eternidad contigo. ¿Qué dices, cariño? ¿Serás mi para siempre?” I hold my breath as I wait for her response, the seconds ticking by an eternity.

When I’m not sure if I can handle another moment, Fallon nods her head wildly, tears spilling down her cheeks. “¡Sí!Yes!” She leaps up from her seat, launching herself into my arms.

I laugh, clinging to her, a feeling I haven’t known settling deep in my core.

She said yes. She knows me, she knowseverything, and she still said yes. She still wants me. Despite all my dark and twisted parts, she still chose me.

I slip the ring on her finger and crush my lips to hers, funneling all of my love into the connection.

How did I get so goddamn lucky?


I’m on cloud nine.

I can’t stop staring at the new ring on my left hand as I cling to Arriana on our walk back to our villa. The diamonds shine beautifully in the setting sun. Lining a beautiful rose-gold band, the different sized stones are offset to form a breathtaking collage of imperfect perfection.

Twisting my hand to watch the last of the sun’s rays bounce off the diamonds, I allow myself to fully embrace this moment, one I didn’t think I would ever have.

Since our relocation, I had given up the idea of marriage being in the cards for us, it’s not like we can go back to the States and have a big ordeal. And that was okay with me, as long as I had her, it was enough.

But somehow Arriana made it happen, just like all my other hopes and dreams, this woman continues to amaze me with the love and care she pours into my life.

“Te amo, mi amor.” I murmur, resting my head on her arm.

Arriana presses her lips to my head. “Te amo, mi vida.”

We walk up the pathway to our home, and I find I can’t wait to snuggle up with her. With myfiancée.

Arriana opens the door, ushering me inside. “I have one more surprise for you.” She whispers, extracting herself from my hold.

I look at her quizzically before shifting my gaze to the room, more tears filling my eyes as they land on the guests awaiting us. “Ava?” She smiles at me, leaping to her feet and sprinting across the room.

“Congratulations, Fallon.” She whispers, wrapping her arms around me in a tight embrace.

After the initial shock wears off, I return her hug, crying softly at how perfect this night has been. We pull apart and I can’t help but show her what Arriana did. “Look, I mean, I don’t even know how she convinced her to do this. Like it’s completely unheard of, but somehow…” I glance up at my other half, the love bursting within me almost too much to bear.

“Yes! Show me. Like yesterday.” Ava demands, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

I chuckle, pulling up my app once more and finding the post that Arriana had somehow roped my favorite author into posting.

The photo is a simple graphic with the wordsTu me completas, mi vidawritten across in a cursive font. Below the graphic, the caption reads:

This post is a little unconventional for me, but when I was approached with the story behind this request, I couldn’t say no. So, Fallon, without further adieu, Arriana has something to ask you.

“Cada día me enamoro más de tí. Tu me completas, mi vida. Cada momento que he pasado contigo es unsueño. Quiero pasar el resto de la eternidad contigo. ¿Qué dices, cariño? ¿Serás mi para siempre?”

And for all of us who don’t speak the beautiful Spanish language, I’ve been provided the translation *winking emoji*

“I fall more in love with you every day. You complete me, my life. Every moment I’ve gotten to spend with you is a dream. I want to spend the rest of eternity with you. What do you say, baby? Will you be my forever?”

So, Fallon, what do you say? I, for one, am dying to know. And am beyond honored to be a part of your beautiful love story.

Keep reading, keep writing, keep spreading love.

And make sure I get an invite to the wedding *wedding bell emoji*