A determination fills the emptiness inside of me, some of the haze lifting as I finally have a renewed purpose.
On the move.
Secure link
I click on the link, opening it up to a map showing Nova’s new location. A blinking light moves along the streets of Massachusetts, heading toward a seedy part of town.
My fingers tighten on the phone as a growing concern fills me. “Change of plans.” I say, looking away from the screen and meeting our driver’s confused expression.
Glancing at the map once more, I look around and locate where we are. Pointing out the windshield, I instruct, “Left here.”
Where are they going?
The thought consumes me as I continue to direct us in the direction of my stolen vehicle. As we grow closer, I can’t shake the feeling that something is very, very wrong.
I jolt upright as a hand squeezes my thigh. “What?” Blinking the sleep from my eyes, I look around, disoriented. It’s not until my eyes land on the tall, dark, and handsome man looking at me intently do the details of my reality come crashing back into me. “Fuck.” I mutter, rubbing my eyes.
I’m hyper aware of his warm hand still gripping my thigh, the connection sending jolts of desire straight to my cock.
Fuck me.
Suppressing a groan, I push his hand off, needing to focus and finding it impossible with his touch. “Where are we?” I mumble, looking around the dark parking garage.
“Why don’t you tell me?” He sighs, running a hand through his long curls.
I whip my head in his direction. “Me?” Confused by his retort, I snap, “Why the fuck would I know?”
Peering into my eyes, he searches for something I’m not sure he’ll find. After several tense moments of silence, he sighs again and indicates his phone, showing me our current location. “This is where we’ve tracked Nova to.” I gulp as I recognize the area.
Nova? Here?
I look around again, trying to think of why they would have come out this way.
“This isn’t exactly the best area.” Zayn growls, rolling his neck, the sound of his joints cracking fills the car.
Panic starts to set in as I imagine Nova out here all alone. With the panic comes a fiery determination.
I won’t let them down. Not this time.
Without another word, I fling open the door, the sound of Zayn cursing and climbing out of his own seat follows me. My heart pounds as I take off in a sprint.
I don’t know where I’m going, but I don’t care. I’ll do anything I can to protect them.
I did this. I got us into this mess.
If I had just stayed…
Shaking my head, I push aside the thoughts. There’s nothing I can do about that now. Wishes and dreams won’t help.
I caused this mess, and now I’m going to clean it up.
My eyes dart around the empty street as I barrel out of the parking garage. The air feels ominous, as if even the universe is warning of the danger ahead. Gulping, I trust my gut and make a right, sprinting off in the direction I hope Nova went.