Page 41 of Lost in Life

“Motherfucker.” I growl, slamming my fist onto the desk.

Tavish jumps, choking on his drink. “Hey!” He shouts, glaring at me. “Watch the aggression, man.”

I turn my furious look on him, my lips curling up as he shrinks into his seat.

Adjusting his glasses, he waves at the monitors in front of him. “Look, these don’t work if this doesn’t work.” He gestures toward the rest of his set up.

“Go take out your anger on one of the numerous prisoners around, but leave my computer out of it.” Averting his eyes, he shoves a chip into his mouth, the loud crunch breaking the tension.

Sighing, I run a hand down my face. “You’re right.” I admit, looking back at the image of the man who just moved to the top of my kill list. “I can think of a much better use of my anger.” Turning toward the exit, I clap Tavish’s shoulder. “Thanks for this.”

“No problem.” He mumbles around the food in his mouth.

Chuckling, I open the door. “Oh, could you send all that to me?” I glance over my shoulder and catch him nod. “Thanks. And remember. Not a word.” Tavish gulps, nodding again and shooting me a thumbs up.

Shaking my head, I leave, shutting the door behind me.

The device tucked in my pocket buzzes a few seconds later with the secure link from Tavish.

Climbing into the elevator, I pull up the info and locate the file. I skim over it again before tucking the device away, making my way to my car as the elevator doors open.

Just got to make a quick stop first.

Pulling up to the small cabin, I throw the car in park and climb out, stretching under the early morning light.

My little detour took more time than I expected, but it’ll be worth it I’m sure. I’ve already seen the viciousness both of them possess.

Images of West repeatedly stabbing Carver and Nova standing over me with a knife pressed to my throat, a wild look in her eyes as she threatened me, flash through my mind. My cock twitches at the prospect of finding out just how deep the darkness runs.

Time to find out.

I close the car door, strolling toward the shack. It’s quiet, making me wonder if they’ve both succumbed to sleep. There’s no way they tried to leave, of that I’m certain, my traps wouldn’t allow them to get far. Glancing behind me, I eye the treeline, my gut churning at the thought of either of them getting caught in one of the snares, or worse, explosives.

Maybe when they’ve come to accept their fates, I can disable a few…

Shaking my head, I turn my attention back to the cabin, climbing up the steps and grabbing the door handle. Twisting my wrist, I slowly pull it open, not wanting to wake either of them if they have opted to sleep.

Why do I care?

I push aside the thought, stepping inside. A blur of movement to my left kicks in my instincts. Ducking, I barely avoid the lamp swung at my head. I’m so distracted by the attack I nearly miss the boot hurtling toward me.

Catching her leg, I yank Nova toward me, straightening and slipping my arm around her neck. I level West with a glare as I warn, “Drop it or I'll break her neck.” It’s an empty threat, but the look he gives me shows he doesn’t notice.

Slowly setting the lamp on the floor, West raises his hands, his eyes darting between Nova and me. “Okay okay.” He agrees, his muscles bunching as he works to restrain himself.

My lips twitch, almost giving me away. A renewed excitement fills me as I see the murderous hatred emitting from him.

Good thing I have something for him to let all that energy out on.

A flash of a different form of release pops into my head. I bite my lip, my eyes trailing down his muscular body. It wouldn’t be my first time exploring that side of myself, but it has been quite some time since I’ve given into the urge.

West tenses further under my heated gaze, his cheeks reddening as he tries to subtly shift.

I smirk, enjoying the effect just a look has on him.

Just wait, pretty boy. I’ll introduce you to a whole new world.

Flicking my tongue out, I slowly lick my lips as I drag my eyes down to his bulging jeans and back up. Before we can continue our little foreplay, a sharp elbow hits me in the gut. I grunt, tightening my hold on Nova.