“Didn’t expect to see you so soon, especially considering you bailed on the latest drop.” I gulp as Rex raises an eyebrow at me.
The lights of the club reflect off of his inky black hair, his jade eyes appearing almost reptilian in the dim lighting. A shiver runs down my spine and I have to fight the urge to flee.
Thinking of Nova, I sit up straighter and meet Rex’s sneering gaze head on. “I need a favor.” His smile widens, revealing a set of bleached white teeth.
Gesturing toward the bartender, Rex leans back in his side of the booth. “Is that so?” He hums, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
I nod my head, resisting the urge to cower back at the predatory look on his face.
“And why should I do anything foryou?” He sneers at me, holding his hand out to the side for his drink without taking his chilling eyes off of me.
Flicking my eyes around the crowded space, I lean forward and try to keep my voice low, “Because I’ll do anything.” Rex’s eyes move to my lips, just as I knew they would.
The man’s got a bit of a reputation, and if the word on the street is right, I’m just his type. Desperate.
“Anything?” He repeats, slowly licking his lips.
My stomach churns at the look in his eyes, but I don’t have a choice. I have to come through this time.
“Anything.” I confirm, despite the nausea rolling through me.
Sipping at the amber liquid, he peers at me over the glass. I shift in the seat, the leather creaking drowned out by the music and conversation happening all around us. After several long moments, Rex tosses back the remaining liquor and climbs to his feet.
My heart drops at the rejection.
Not that Iwanthim to want me but…Not being a good enough fuck for a man like Rex? Yeah. Low blow.
Before I can wallow in self pity, Rex’s voice sounds. “You coming, jailbait?” I snap my eyes to his. A smirk covers his face as he gestures for me to follow him.
Taking a deep breath, I slowly blow it out as I clamber out of the booth. I follow behind him, my head ducked so as to avoid making eye contact with anyone.
For Nova.
I remind myself as we walk into the men’s bathroom. My heart thunders as Rex clicks the lock behind us. The sound of him undoing his belt clangs loudly. “On your knees, jailbait.” Turning to face him, I slowly sink to my knees, now eye level with his crotch.
With his eyes on me, he unzips his pants and pulls free his cock, fisting it in his hand. I lick my lips, my mouth suddenly very dry.
It’s so…veiny.
I try to ignore the warmth pooling low in my pelvis at the sight of another man’s dick. This being the first one I’ve seen in person, outside of the videos I watch when I’m alone and find myself going down the rabbit hole of porn. It’s never a far journey if I’m honest with myself, but that doesn’t mean anything. I’ve only had eyes for one person my entire life and they don’t possess a girthy length like the one before me.
“You just gonna stare at it or are we doing this?” Rex snaps, stroking his hand up the shaft and flicking his thumb over the head.
Taking another deep breath, I square my shoulders and brace myself for what I have to do. Shuffling forward on my knees, I come to a stop before him and tentatively reach forward, brushing his balls with my fingertips. Rex lets out a groan, sending a jolt to my dick.
That doesn’t mean anything.
Leaning forward, I part my lips, my breath fanning over his cock as I will myself to close the remaining distance. Before I can, a loud pounding sounds on the door. “What?” Rex snarls at the intruder.
“Hey boss, sorry to bother you, but we’ve got a problem.” I don’t recognize the voice, but from the look on Rex’s face, I may have been saved by the bell, or the knock more accurately.
Stepping back, he tucks his dick away. “Send me the info for what you need.” I nod, unable to get my voice to work around the confusing emotions warring inside of me.
As he turns to leave, Rex pauses, looking over his shoulder with a smirk. “We’ll pick this up later.” With that, he unlocks the door and leaves me kneeling alone on the tiled floor.
Chapter 13