My teeth grind, the need to punch the bastard in his smug face consumes me in my hungover state.
You got it boss
I’ll just do this sell and then figure out a way to find Nova.
Easy peasy.
Climbing off the bed, I groan as I stretch my arms up, feeling my back muscles pull from the movement.
You’d think I’m eighty-four rather than twenty-four from the pops my body is making. That’s what happens when you’re forced to sleep on the streets and then a hard as fuck cot with little regard to how your body will fare.
My eyes look at my bed longingly. One of the few nice things I have in my tiny ass apartment. It was one of the only big purchases I’ve made since I was in a place again that Icouldmake one. I don’t have much to my name, but I cherish what little I do have, because life has taught me that everything can be ripped away in a moment.
With one last forlorn look at my bed, I turn to exit.
I’ll be back for you later.
My mind can’t help but wander, thoughts of impossibilities filling me. Because, while all I want to do is crash back down on my ultra-cushy mattress, I can’t help but think about if I weren’t alone when I did.
Chapter 9
I follow behind Carver, careful to keep enough of a distance that he doesn’t grow suspicious. It’s been a few days since the initiate ceremony and Tavish has tipped me off that Carver is taking his first job.
He pulls over, parking alongside the curb on a busy street. I pass him, parking a block away and backtracking. I watch him slip into a secondhand clothing store, speeding up my steps to catch up. Coming to a stop at the entrance, I’m surprised to find he didn’t lock the door.
Arrogant bastard.
Slipping inside, I hide in a corner, tucking behind a convenient partition.
Carver disappears around to the back, dragging a woman into the main shop by her hair.
“Let me go!” She screams, thrashing in his hold.
Yanking her head back, Carver runs his nose along her throat, chuckling, “Now why would I do that?”
She sobs, trying to free herself, but he’s too strong. “Why-why are you doing this?” She cries.
Before he can answer, the door opens and a kid walks in. He can’t be any older than his mid-twenties. It takes a few seconds for him to register the scene before him. I watch as his eyes widen and a choked gasp escapes him before he clamps his hands over his mouth too late.
Carver shifts his focus, yanking a gun from his waistband. “Stop.” He barks, stopping the kid in his tracks as he had turned to flee. “Lock the door.” Carver’s voice sends a shiver down the boy’s body.
Reaching out slowly, he twists the lock, turning back toward Carver with his hands in the air. “I-I didn’t see anything.” He stammers, his knees shaking.
Carver grins, the smile sinister as he motions toward the ground with his gun. “Sit.”
The boy drops to his knees immediately, his leather pants creaking in protest. The bracelets lining his wrists jangle from the movement, arms still raised.
“Stay.” Carver demands, turning his attention back to the woman in his hold. “Now where were we?”
The kid and I watch as Carver proceeds to mutilate the poor girl’s body in every way imaginable. Horror and disgust fill the boy’s face from the brutality.
I try to beat back the memories, watching Carver do to this woman what I imagine he did to Kate. Every cell of my being wants to rush forward and rip out his throat with my bare hands. An animalistic need for revenge threatening to consume me.
But I won’t allow myself to do this, not yet. He needs to suffer, and if I were to attack now, there’s a possibility I won’t even remember doing it. And Ineedto remember.