“H-how?” I manage to force out between gasped breaths.
West doesn’t reply, running his hands over my body and checking for additional injuries.
My attention is pulled as the familiar rumble reaches me again.
“Killian.” Zayn growls, crossing his arms and glaring at the man who just about ended my life.
The man looks back at Zayn with a smirk. “Well, well.” He chuckles, mirroring Zayn’s stance. “And what are you doing with Owen’s daughter?”
Zayn turns his gaze to me, his eyes widening just slightly before returning his attention to Killian.
Killian laughs, the sound emotionless and hollow. “You didn’t know.” He states, his shoulders shaking with the laughter.
As if a switch flips, his mood sobers immediately, a deadly glint in his eyes. Looking over the three of us, he clucks his tongue, shaking his head.
I watch as Killian pulls out his phone and types something out. A few seconds later a ding echoes in the darkened street, the sound ringing with a finality that takes away what little breath I have left.
Tucking away his phone, he looks to Zayn, gesturing toward a large vehicle parked down the street. “Everly wants to see you.”
Chapter 27
Every muscle in my body tenses at Killian’s words.
Without another word, I stride over to Nova and scoop them up into my arms. “Seriously?” I mutter under my breath. Sh-they turn their wide eyed gaze to me, reaching up and wrapping their arms around my neck.
Nova opens he-their mouth to say something, but I shake my head, silencing their words. They press their lips in a grim line, tucking their head against my chest.
I climb into the back of the sedan, keeping my hold on Nova.
That was too fucking close.
My arms tighten at the thought.
West clambers in behind me, scooting on the seat so our thighs are pressed together. I resist the urge to wrap my arm around him as well, the need to protect him from Killian nearly overwhelming me.
The entire ride back to our headquarters is filled with a tense silence. The tension so thick it’s almost palpable.
By the time we slow to a stop before the mansion, I still haven’t formulated a plan. The only thing I know is I won’t let them touch Nova or West. Not while I still have breath in my lungs.
Killian climbs out of the car, indicating for us to follow with a tilt of his head. I take a deep breath and open the door, taking my time as I shuffle from the vehicle.
I had made a plan, one that could have worked. But Nova being Owen’s daughter?
I look down at their petrified face, my chest constricting. Now that I know the connection, I can see it clearly in the angle of h-their cheekbones, in the small curve to their nose. Our eyes meet and even the shape of their eyes reminds me of his.
Yeah, it complicates things.
Breaking our eye contact, I gently set them down onto their feet. As I bend to help steady them, I whisper in their ear, my voice barely a breath. “Follow my lead.”
Straightening, I nudge them to walk in front of me, gesturing for West to follow. I square my shoulders, shutting off all emotions so as not to let my feelings weaken me.
If we’re going to make it out of this alive, I need to be at my best. My deadliest.
Walking behind the two, I can’t fight the terror at losing them.