Page 40 of Lost in Life

Staring back at me is a gorgeous woman sitting sideways on top of a bright picnic blanket. Sitting beside her is a younger version of my mystery man, a bright smile on his face. None of the scars or age lines marr his features, the hard edge in his eyes isn’t there either. Joy radiates from the couple. Zayn’s arm is thrown over her shoulders, his face angled down at her, the smile for her and her alone.

I’m hit with a pang of jealousy at the love and happiness between the two. Alongside the jealousy is a burning curiosity, a need to know who she is and what happened to turn the once joyful boy into the hardened, arrogant, dick I know.

Turning the photo, I notice handwriting on the back.

Zayn & Kate

Missuli Park

Sophomore year

My forehead creases as I reread the inscription.


As I put back the photograph where it was to return to my search, I can’t help but wonder what happened to the couple in the photo. A heaviness settles in my stomach as I think of the man I know now, and I can’t shake the feeling that whatever happened between the time that photo was taken and now, none of it was good.

“Hey Nova!” West calls.

Sighing, I exit the room, my heart heavy from the discovery. “You find something?” I ask, making my way toward West.

He holds up a small notepad, his lips set in a grim line. Handing it over to me, he runs his hands through his hair, cursing.

Dropping my eyes to the scrawled note, I read it. Then read it again. Looking back up at West, rage boils within me. “Are you fucking kidding me?” My hands shake as I try to keep the panic from overtaking me.

Tossing the notepad on the counter, I kick the closest wall, screaming, “Fuck!” West hyperventilates behind me, the sound of his frantic pacing fueling my agitation.

“We’re trapped.” He mutters, voicing the feeling suffocating me.

He’s right, we are trapped.

As the finality sets in, another, more agonizing, realization hits me.

I was the only thing keeping Hollis alive. If I’m not there, if I disappear…

A shocked sob breaks free as a wave of nausea rolls through me, the stress and physical exertion of the night catching up, making my head pound angrily.

West stops his pacing at the sound, attempting to comfort me, but I can’t make out the words he says. With numb fingers, I pick back up the note and reread it, willing the words to change.

Had to step out for a little. Don’t worry beautiful, you either pretty boy, I’ll be back. Oh and don’t try leaving, there are miles of woods between you and civilization right now. If the bears don’t deter you, my hidden traps might.

Chapter 20


I stare at the monitors in front of me, reading as quickly as my mind will allow.

The information lays out a sad life, not too dissimilar to my own in certain aspects. The relationship between Nova and West runs deeper than I imagined, adding another layer of difficulty to our situation.

You don’t grow up that close with someone and not find ways to get out of scraps together. And from the looks of it, the two are resourceful and like to live on the other side of the law.

My eyes move to the next monitor, showing information on a deceased woman listed as West’s mother. The resemblance between her and her son is uncanny, despite the erratic look he now sports. Moving on, I examine the detailed police report from West’s arrest, along with his prison sentence, and subsequent release.

Tavish has dug up info that the police never found, displayed below the reports is the list of contacts West has within the local drug ring. At the top of the list, a man by the name of Rex Vito. From what Tavish could find, it appears the man oversees nearly all of this side of Massachusetts’ opioid dealings.

I grit my teeth as I read through all the instances he has fucked over those under his employ, including West.

The info shows that Rex set up West’s arrest, orchestrating for him to take the fall when Rex caught wind the cops were getting close to making a breakthrough on their case.