Page 36 of Lost in Life

Shoving my hand off of them, Nova glares at me. “Seriously, West?” They cry, backing away.

I drop my arm to my side, my soul dying at their reaction.

I deserve this.

“Nu-uh.” They snap, stomping closer again. Their chest brushes against mine as they lean their head back to peer up at me. Jabbing a finger into my chest, Nova growls, “Youdon’t get to be upset.Do you haveanyidea how badly I wanted to hear those three fucking words?” They ask, a little of the anger bleeding out. “How many times I silently begged, wished for you to feel the same way I-” Their words cut off as a choked sob breaks from their chest.

Shaking their head, they ball their hand into a fist, pounding against my chest. “I loved you, damnit!” Nova shouts, hitting me again and again. I stand there and let them let out all the pain I’ve caused, taking their agony on for them. Sobbing, their blows weaken. “I loved you. I-Istill love you.”

My heart stops and lungs freeze. “You-you do?” I manage to choke out.

Nova shakes their head, looking up at me, tears streaming down their face. “Yes.” They whisper and, for the first time in a long time, a small blossom of hope blooms in my chest. “But it doesn’t matter. It’s too late.” As quickly as the hope bloomed, it dies off, shriveling to nothing but an empty despair.

Backing away, Nova turns and enters the cabin, leaving me alone with my pain, just as I did to them all those years ago.


“I love you.”

Those three words repeat in my head over and over as I stumble into the cabin.

“Trouble in paradise?” The tied up, arrogant bastard calls out.

Flipping him the bird, I mutter, “Fuck off.” I cross the room, flinging open the fridge and snatching out a water bottle. Chugging the cool liquid, I have the sudden need for something stronger.

Turning toward my prisoner, I gesture around. “You got anything stronger than piss beer in this place?”

He arches an eyebrow at me. “What’s in it for me if I do?” Smirking, he runs his eyes down my body.

I sigh heavily, crossing my arms. “Maybe I won’t chop your balls off. How’s that?” I snap.

Throwing his head back, his laughter echoes in the sparse room. Lowering his head again, his laughs die off as he narrows his eyes. “I’d like to see you try.” He challenges.

“Don’t fucking try me. Not tonight, mysterio.” I warn, slamming the fridge door. Turning away from him, I walk toward what I hope is a bathroom. Opening the door, I let out a relieved breath, something finally going right for me as my eyes land on the clawfoot tub.

Yes. A bath is just what I need.

Before I can close the door behind me, I hear a shout from outside the bathroom. “Zayn.” The man calls.

Sighing, I step back out, knowing I’m going to regret the decision. “What?”

The man wiggles in his binds, twisting his arm enough to point a finger at himself. “Zayn.” He repeats. “I want you to know the name of the man who’s going to take away that pain shining behind your eyes, beautiful.”

My breath hitches and I spin around, running back into the safety of the bathroom and slamming the door shut behind me.

What is happening?

I woke up this morning distraught with grief over Hollis and now I’m trapped in a shack with two men who just declared their affection for me like we’re in some dumbass romance novel.

This can’t be real life. Carver must have actually killed me and I’m in hell.

Walking on numb legs toward the sink, I bend over and splash water onto my face. Gripping the edge, I peer at my reflection. My eyes zero in on the bruises on my throat, noting the tear streaks running down my face, my hair sticking out in a chaotic mess.

Oh yes, I can see why every man in my vicinity is losing their ever loving mind. I mean look at me, I’m such a catch.

Shaking my head, I push off the sink and start the water in the tub, turning to hunt for something to wash away the day. I find a small bottle of body wash and travel size bottle of shampoo.

Setting them next to the tub, I begin to strip. I test the water before twisting the knobs and climbing in. Sinking into the liquid heaven, I let out a sigh as the hot water relaxes my tense muscles. I slip beneath the water, holding my breath until my lungs scream.