Page 33 of Lost in Life

He stares at me with a panic-stricken expression.

Laughing, I shake my head and shove another forkful of pasta into my mouth. “Don’t worry, pretty boy.” I chuckle around my mouthful. “You’re safe with me. Both of you.”

West doesn’t say anything else, wordlessly picking up his plate. We eat in silence, both watching over Nova.

She’s going to be okay.

I repeat it to myself, a part of me wondering why I care so much. She’s a stranger, just a pretty distraction. But something about her has reeled me in.

A soft noise pulls my attention. Looking down at her, I watch as Nova blinks open her eyes. She raises a hand to her head, wincing at the lights overhead. “It’s so damn bright in here.” She croaks, shielding her eyes.

“I’ve got you, peanut.” West soothes, leaping to his feet and darting to the light switch. Flicking the lights off, the room is instantly enveloped in darkness. “Better?” He calls, the sound of his feet shuffling across the floor as he stumbles back toward his seat fills the room.

Nova lets out a relieved sigh. “Yes, thank you, West.” The bed shifts as she pushes to a seated position. My eyes adjusting to the dark can make out her outline but not much else. “What happened earlier?”

“You fainted and most likely have a concussion.” I reply, drawing her attention to me.

I can feel the animosity rolling off her as she sneers, “Oh right, ourhero.”

I snort. “Oh I’m no hero.”

“Yeah? Then who are you?” She demands. “And why the fuck were you in both Hollis’ hospital room and that alley with Carver?”

“I’m no one.” I mutter, leaning back against the headboard and closing my eyes.

Silence fills the room in response to my muttered words. A few moments later, I hear the sound of West push back up to his feet and make his way toward the door. “Gotta take a piss.” He calls back, the door opening and closing shortly after.

Huffing, Nova pushes off the headboard, I can feel her breath ghost across my cheek as she seethes, “Give me a straight answer, asshole.” I feel the sharp edge of a blade press against my throat.

Should have frisked her. Who knew.

I chuckle, making her dig the knife in deeper. “Something funny?” She growls.

Snapping my hand up, I grab hold of hers, pressing the blade harder against me. Warmth trickles down my neck as it breaks my skin. “If you’re going to threaten me,” I enunciate each word slowly. “You had better be prepared to finish the job.” Her breath catches at my warning, the room falling silent. “That’s what I thought.” I snicker, twisting her wrist back far enough she releases the knife. It falls to the bed with a soft thud.

Her breathing picks up at my touch, heavy pants filling the space. My cock twitches in response, and every emotion and desire I have been fighting against crash into me. In the blink of an eye, I have her pinned beneath me, my knees on either side of her hips, one hand trapping her arms above her head. My free hand feels around the bed for the discarded knife.

“Let me go.” She demands breathlessly, her chest rising and falling heavily.

Ignoring her demand, I move the knife to her chest. I slowly drag the tip down, tracing her body without tearing through the thin fabric protecting her from me. Leaning down, I run my nose up her exposed throat, humming at the delicious mixture of vanilla and cinnamon filling my nose.

She struggles again, her weak attempts betraying her feigned anger. “Get the fuck off me.” She growls, bucking her hips. The movement only serves to brush against my hardening cock.

“You and I both know that’s not what you want, beautiful.” I murmur in her ear, biting down on her earlobe. She whimpers, rolling her hips into me. Chuckling, I lean back on my heels, shifting the knife underneath her shirt.

Light floods the room, momentarily blinding me. “What thefuck?” West roars moments before he leaps into me, tackling me onto the floor. Pulling his arm back, he snaps it forward, landing a harsh blow directly onto my nose.

Before he can hit me again, I shove him off, pushing to my feet. “That is your one free shot.” I warn, checking my nose, relieved to find it’s not broken. “You do that again and I will kill you.”

West glares at me, his chest heaving as he balls his hands into fists. “Are you okay, Nova?” He asks, not taking his eyes off me.

Nova pushes upright, adjusting her top. “Yes. I’m fine.” She mutters, a blush creeping up her neck and face.

I smirk, twirling the knife in my hand. “See? She’sfine.” I chuckle.

West’s eyes narrow and I brace myself for another of his futile attacks. I don’t see the incoming fist from my left and definitely don’t expect it to be forceful enough to knock me on my ass.

“I’m no she, motherfucker.” Nova growls moments before her boot connects with my face.