Even after they ripped my heart to shreds, I won’t back down. I’m going to do this for them, show them that Icanbe trusted, that I’m not going anywhere.
We make it out of the small shop, tailing Carver from a safe distance.
Nova is nervous, I can tell. If this was my first time taking a life, I would be too. As it is, I’m thankful to have had my murder cherry popped already, because I don’t think I could take those nerves on top of everything else.
Carver turns down an alley a few blocks ahead. As we grow closer to the darkened street, apprehension fills me. Taking Nova’s arm, I pull them to a stop. “I don’t have a good feeling about this.” I whisper, darting my eyes around us.
Nova glares at me, pushing my hand off. “Don’t be a pussy.” They snap, continuing forward.
“Nova.” I hiss, but it’s too late as they disappear around the corner. “Fuck.” Muttering under my breath, I take off in a sprint.
Before I can reach them, I watch in horror as a large body slams Nova against one of the buildings. Slinking into the shadows, I slip my knife out of my pocket, my hand shaking with the fury buzzing through me.
How dare he touch them.
“Why are you following me?” I hear Carver growl, his hand snaking around Nova’s neck.
Glaring at him, Nova bites out, “Let me go, douchebag.”
Irked by their refusal to answer his question, Carver tightens his grip. I tense as I see Nova gasp for breath, their mouth opening and closing uselessly.
Come on, West. Do something.
I will my feet to move, but I’m frozen in place, horror filling me as I watch helplessly.
“Let her go.” A deep voice snarls. In my paralyzed state, I didn’t notice the man creep up behind Carver.
Carver laughs as a gun is pushed against his head. “Well hello there.” Tightening his grip again, he chuckles, “Am I about to kill another one of your pets, Zayn?”
The man, Zayn, pushes the gun harder against Carver’s head. “You have five seconds to release her or I blow your brains all over the street.” When Carver doesn’t obey, Zayn growls, “Five.”
They’re too close. I can’t let him pull that trigger. If he does, it’ll kill Nova too.
I sneak closer, my feet finally responding to the screaming of my mind. The sound of Zayn counting down accompanied by Nova’s choked gasps pulls me from my paralysis.
Gripping my knife, I keep my back pressed to the opposite building.
Just a little closer.
The click echoes loudly as Zayn cocks back the hammer of the gun.
Carver laughs again, shaking Nova’s weakening body, their head bouncing against the brick. “One.” He mocks, clearly unafraid of the other man.
Snarling, Zayn tenses, his finger closing over the trigger. “Zero.”
“No!” I scream, launching myself forward and knocking Zayn aside. The bullet meant for Carver ricochets off the wall. Before either man can react to my sudden appearance, I stab my knife into Carver’s side.
Ripping the blade out, I stab into him again and again. His blood sprays out of each wound as I yank the knife out, covering us in the crimson liquid. My vision darkens with each powerful thrust of my wrist. “Let. Them. Go!” I shout, lifting my hand up to press the blade against his neck.
Carver has lost the mirth, clutching his butchered side, blood seeping between his fingers. “Not a chance boy.” He snarls. “I’m going to snap this pretty little neck before you can ev-”