Page 25 of Lost in Life

Sneaking into St. Anthony’s is easy. It always surprises me how little actual security hospitals have. I’ve found success in terminating a mark on several occasions simply by walking into their hospital room and slipping a little extra in through their IVs.

Glancing at my phone, I make a note of the room number I’m looking for today. I’ve been a bit off my game since that day when a sliver of humanity I didn’t know I still possessed slipped through. Hence the need for an easy kill.

The kid’s face fills my vision as I enter the hospital room. Sliding the door closed behind me, I shake my head to clear the image of his glassy eyes as he convulsed on the floor. An irritating wave of guilt hits me as I push the poison into my target’s veins.

It’s not the same.

Pocketing the syringe, I slip out of the room just before loud beeping alerts the medical staff to the soon-to-be deceased’s distress. As I turn to exit, I catch a glimpse of color out of the corner of my eye.

Curiosity wins out over practicality.

Following the direction I saw whoever it was disappear to, I come to an abrupt halt when I see who I had been distracted by. Sinking into the chair next to the hospital bed of the very kid I’ve been trying to block out of my head, is the most beautiful creature I have ever witnessed.

Long vibrant hair trails down her back, a braid hanging over a small section that has been shaved. Skin tight leather clings to her legs and a sheer top exposes most of her midriff, her chest only covered by the small bra enclosing what I’m sure are the perfect pair of perky tits.

My cock twitches in my jeans as I take her in. I’m hit with another wave of guilt as I realize the kid I watched be force fed drugs must be her friend.

On their own volition, my feet bring me closer until I’m standing in the doorway to the room.

It takes a few moments before she notices me, her eyes narrowing once she does. I suppress a shudder as she rakes her gaze up and down my body.

Shit, I haven’t been this affected by a woman since…

Mentally shaking myself, I push away thoughts of Kate. I haven’t allowed myself to fully let loose with anyone since her death. Sure, there have been a few one night stands, the invention of the dating app makes anonymity so much easier. And I have some experience ghosting people, in every sense of the word. But the feelings coursing through me as her emerald eyes meet mine can only spell trouble for me.

“Can I help you?” She snaps, taking a sip of the coffee in her hand and leaning back into her seat.

My gaze shifts to the unconscious boy next to her. Leaning against the doorframe, I incline my head toward him. “How is he?”

I can feel her eyes boring into me, but I keep my focus on the kid. “Why do you want to know?” My lips twitch at the suspicion and venom in her tone.

I like her.

Shrugging, I return my gaze to the gorgeous distraction. “Seems young to be here.” I say in response. I’m not sure if I’m intentionally avoiding her question or if it’s simply because I don’t have an answer.

Her fiery eyes lose some of the heat, fading to an empty sadness. “Yes. He is.” Running a hand through her hair, she takes a large gulp of her drink before setting the cup down. “Give me a straight answer now, mysterio.” The small glimpse of her pain is tucked away as her vehemence returns in full force. “Who are you and why do you care?”

Dragging my gaze down her body, I lick my lips, relishing in the shiver that runs through her as her eyes lock onto my mouth. I smirk and push off the doorway, turning and exiting without another word.


I watch the man leave without answering any of my questions.

I’m filled with fury, suspicion, and an overwhelming need to climb up his tall frame and ride him until I can’t feel anything anymore.

Shaking my head, I turn back toward Hollis and push away the thoughts of what my mystery man is hiding under those clothes.

It’s been a few weeks since I first received the call and Hollis has not improved. The doctors keep talking about pulling the plug, but I can’t let go. Reaching a hand out, I gently hold his limp hand. “Hol, I’m so sorry.” I whisper, my heart breaking.

I know I need to say goodbye but I can’t. Not again.

“Hey peanut.”

My back stiffens at the sound of West’s voice. “What are you doing here?” I growl, keeping my back to him.

West sighs heavily. “Come on, Nov. Don’t be like that.”

Dropping Hollis’ hand, I leap from my seat, spinning to face West. “Don’t be like that?” I snap, glaring at him. “Are you fucking serious right now, West?” Taking a deep breath to try and calm myself, I clench my hands into fists as I slowly release the air from my lungs. “You left me. Again.” West flinches at my words but I don’t stop, taking a step closer to him as I continue. “That’s all you keep doing. When I need you the most,” My voice breaks but I push on, closing the remaining distance between us. “You just keep leaving me.”