Page 85 of Don't Let Go

I glanced at Rory, but she wouldn’t look at me. Chloe gave me a small smile and flashed me a thumbs-up. I bit back my disappointment and joined my team in the locker room. I needed to chug ice-cold water, and we needed a battle plan for the rest of the game.

Coach Grant clapped his hands, grabbing our attention. “This game is tough, but we’re tougher! We’ve been through a lot this season and now here we stand at state. Let’s take a moment to absorb this.”

We stood in silence, listening to the crowd chant our name.

“Now, let’s go kick some ass!” Coach Grant cheered, gesturing for the door.

My teammates ran out hollering, and Coach blocked me from following.

“Everything alright?” I asked, eyeing my teammates around the corner.

“You’re doing great, son. Don’t let those Lincoln guys in. You’re Mustang strong now. You’re one of us. Make us proud!” He hit me on the shoulder.

“Will do, Coach!” I said, running to catch up with everyone else.

The second half started, and the fans weren’t cheering for just the Mustangs anymore. They were also shouting my name. That was all the adrenaline I needed to visualize winning thegame and sending Lincoln home empty-handed, and their tail between their legs.

We were a well-oiled machine. If we weren’t scoring points, we were blocking Lincoln from going anywhere near their basket. They never scored again. Quincy couldn’t even make a free throw shot. We stole the show, winning the game forty-three to twenty-seven.

“South Ridge wins the state championships! Go Mustangs!” the announcer boomed with pride.

Lincoln stared daggers at me, but Christian stood at my side, blowing kisses at Quincy. I couldn’t help but laugh as Quincy scowled at Christian and dragged his losing ass into the locker room. The Mountain Lions had nothing on me.

James and Bryce jogged over with giant smiles.

“I love you, man!” James said as we bumped fists.

“Thanks,” I said. The smile on my face couldn’t be ruined by anything.

That was until I turned around. Iris was face-to-face with me. Her eyes were rimmed with red, and her cheeks flushed. She looked to be between anger and sorrow. “What the hell, Tyler? Do you know what you’ve done? You’re a traitor! You’ve ruined Lincoln!” she seethed. If she was a viper, she would’ve bit me.

“Lincoln only won games because of me.” It was a smart-ass thing to say, but I was high on adrenaline.

“This is our senior year—” Iris was on the verge of tears.

Rory shoved Iris back and stood in front of me. “Please. You ditched him because he didn’t fit your expensive mold anymore. Just go get a boob job or whatever and cry into your feather pillows.”

Chloe blew a giant bubble with her gum and snapped it. “Not feeling the team spirit?” she mockingly asked Iris.

Iris flicked her long braids behind her back. “Whatever. It’s not like Lincoln needed this. I guess you deserve a pity win.” Iris stomped away.

Chloe smiled after Iris. “She’s the real deal, isn’t she?”

“I’m sorry?” I lifted an eyebrow.

“That girl. You can tell she’s fromSnobbsdale. But anyway…” She bumped Rory with her arm. “Rory wanted to say somethin’ to you.”

Rory blew a piece of hair out of her face. “Congrats on winning. I knew you had it in you.” She gave me a ghost of a smile. The light in her was gone, and it killed me to see her running on fumes. A shell of herself.

I rubbed the back of my neck. It was awkward having Rory come to my rescue and be cold as ice. “Thanks. Are you going to the after-party?”

Chloe wrinkled her nose. “I think we’re going to stay in.”

Rory’s eyes were glued on the exit doors. She was like a wild animal looking for a way out.

“With that gun I found, I thought you girls joined a shooting club,” I tried to joke.

I needed to know why Rory had that gun. Maybe her best friend knew.