I swallowed, rubbing my Adam’s apple that ached at the thought. “We won. Do the details matter?” I said, keeping a good three yards between Paolo and me.
His eyes turned to slits. “I’m going to beat the living shit out of you,” he seethed, trying to push past Christian.
James gently pushed Paolo back, and that was a huge mistake. Paolo punched James squarely in the jaw, and he fell to his knees. We were all in shock when James collapsed, cradling the side of his face.
Paolo charged for me when a whistle blew behind me. Our coach shook his head. “What the hell is the matter with ya? I leave you boys alone for one minute, and you’re at each other’s throats. What’s going on?”
Paolo pointed at me. “Tyler never passed me the ball. He’s a glory hound, and he—”
Coach stopped listening when he saw James’ bloody face. “What happened, son?” he asked, kneeling to examine the damage.
James sniffed, then winced, spitting out blood. “Paolo happened.”
Coach grasped his clipboard; I’m surprised the wood didn’t crack with the force of his hands. “Paolo, I’m tired of your crap. You need to get your act together.”
“But Coach. Tyler is the—”
Coach got in Paolo’s face, looking him dead in the eye. “I don’t want to hear it. We’ll talk about this when we get back. Now everyone get their ass on the bus.”
Paolo had my murder and burial site all planned out when he looked at me with dead eyes, almost shark eyes, with how white and distant they were.
I grabbed my gym bag and sat next to the window with Christian beside me on the bus. Everyone talked excitedly about our win. I tried to join in here and there, but I could feel the tingle of coldness coming from Paolo’s glare. He wanted revenge, and he'd find a way to serve it to me one way or another.
I sunk into the ugly leather seat and stared out the window as buildings and cars whizzed by. I reached out to Rory, but she wasn’t answering. I didn’t regret what I did. I’d fight Paolo if push came to shove. He needed to be kicked around a little after everything, especially how he treated Rory.
Rory. I wished she’d answer my damn texts. I prayed she was okay. Why did I have to be in the middle of a game when she seemed to need me the most? I rubbed my eyes and eased back into my seat, controlling my breathing.
She had to be okay. She just had to be.
There’s nothing like spending an easy day at home with my sisters ruined by an uninvited stranger ringing the doorbell.
“I’ll get it!” Lizzy shouted, jumping up from the living room carpet where she was coloring a picture of a puppy with her trusted stuffed bunny by her side.
I chuckled, getting out of the rocking recliner. “I’ll get it. Just finish your picture.” I playfully ruffled her hair as I walked by.
“Hey! Don’t mess with my mane!” She narrowed her eyes at me, but a smile slowly stole her lips.
I laughed, shaking my head. “Sorry, Simba.” She was cute with her movie quotes, especially sinceThe Lion Kingwas on.
“Ugh. You two are too much,” Carmen groaned. She was curled into the corner of the couch with her legs tucked under her as she looked at her phone.
“Don’t worry. I’ll answer the door. I wouldn't want you to get up,” I said through clenched teeth.
Carmen’s response was flipping me the bird.
No wonder Lizzy was my favorite.
I straightened my T-shirt and ran a hand through my hair before opening the door. My eyebrows pushed together as I saw Paolo’s cousin, Vincenzo, standing on our porch. He had his hands folded in front of him. He barred his teeth in what I think was an attempt at a smile and nodded inside toward my siblings.
“Hello, Aurora. Good to see you again.” He shifted his feet, lifting his shirt a little to show me the gun in his waistband. “Do you have time for a little road trip?”
I licked my lips. “What is this about?” I was glad my voice didn’t reflect my nervousness. My hold on the door tightened as if I had the strength to lock him out if he made a move to grab me.
“I need your assistance. Paolo said you’d be cool about it. I didn’t believe him, so I brought my friend here for encouragement.” He nodded at his pistol.