Rory had been stripped down to her bra and panties as she sat on the dusty ground on what looked like an old towel. Her cheeks turned as scarlet as the rose in her hair. She tried to be modest, covering her chest with her arms. “Ty, you don’t—”
Paolo grabbed her cheeks and pressed hard enough that her lips puckered. “Don’t talk to him.” He let go, and she rubbed her face, curling her body into the fetal position.
I was brought up to respect women and never leave when I felt like anyone was in danger. To me, it seemed Rory was in grave danger.
Paolo got to his feet. He looked as pissed as a bull on a rampage. “Leave! How many times do I need to say it?”
I stood firm. “No.Youneed to get the hell out. I can’t leave her here with you.”
His jaw tightened. He looked around wildly and picked something up from the ground. I saw the glass beer bottle shine in the light streaming in from outside. Paolo smashed the bottle against the wall, creating a sharp weapon. “You wanna fight?”
Well, this went to hell faster than I thought possible.
I put my hands up. “What are you going to do? Cut me, seriously? How is that a fair fight?”
He licked his lips and jabbed toward my ribs. I jumped back. He laughed like a lunatic. “I don’t care. You took over my team.”
“I saved your team. Without me, you wouldn’t be in the finals.”
“We’ll never know, will we?” He took another step forward and went for my left arm. I moved out of the way and got the wind knocked out of my lungs from hitting the wall too hard.
I was trapped, and Paolo knew it.
He smiled and looked at his weapon like it was some kind of prize. “Thanks for your time on the team, but I think it’s time you get cut.” He aimed for my chest. I turned my face away and used my arms to shield myself, bracing for pain.
Nothing happened.
Paolo gasped and fell to the floor like a sack of potatoes. I looked over to see Rory holding a broken wine bottle.
“He had to be stopped. You okay?” She tossed what was left of the wine bottle into a pile of debris.
“Holy shit. Did you kill him?”
She kicked his side. “No. He’s still breathing.” His chest moved up and down, but damn.
Rory spat on Paolo. “I’m done with your shit. I’m done with you.” She nodded at me. “Let’s get out of here.”
Paolo rubbed the back of his head, moaning. “Bitch, you’re going to regret this. Once I tell my grandfather what you’ve done life for you and your family will be much different.”
Rory stood silent for a moment, her nostrils flaring. “Go ahead. I’m not afraid of you anymore and my mamma has decades of experience over your pettiness.”
Paolo sat up, looking at his hand. It was covered in blood. “You could have killed me.”
Rory walked around Paolo and grabbed her skirt and top. “I still could. Leave my family out of this.”
Paolo turned his attention toward me. He pointed a blood-stained finger at my chest. “You will pay for this. I promise you on your parents’ graves.”
The coldness in his eyes made a ball of fear choke me. I wanted to curse him for bringing up my parents, but I was speechless.
This guy was the devil.
Rory got dressed and grabbed an unopened bottle of wine. “Come on, Ty. Let’s leave this dick alone. Maybe he’ll fall asleep and die from a concussion. One can only hope.” Rory kicked Paolo in the side again.
“I’m going to kill you!” Rory hooked her arm with mine and dragged me out of the pool house. Paolo continued yelling, “I’m going to kill your sisters in front of you first! I’m going to kill everyone you love! Do you hear me, cagna?”
We stopped outside. I turned my head, looking at all the broken windows. The pool house must’ve been fancy in its day with marble and gold, but now it was covered in grime, and the plants were taking back what once was theirs. Vines grew up the walls and dead palm tree limbs were scattered everywhere.
“Doesn’t his spewing upset you? What is wrong with him?”